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How to come off as more Kittenish?

See I'm a naturally sarcastic person, but I'm not malicious or anything of the sort. But naturally sometimes sarcasm can come off as rude or assholeish to people it falls flat on. I can't change the fact that I'm sarcastic and I have no intention of doing so, but how do i come off as less arrogant and obnoxious and more.....kittenish and playful?
Dec 16, 15 at 10:43am
Dec 16, 15 at 11:12am
I don't think there's anything wrong with a healthy bit of sarcasm. I jokingly cut on myself a lot, most of which are in very sarcastic ways. But yeah, too much can get old pretty quick. It's a balancing act of knowing when to tone it down and balance the sarcasm with being serious, and it's not always the easiest thing to do. As far as being less obnoxious and arrogant, I could easily tell you just to try to be more humble and cut back some on your sarcastic nature, but it's easier said then done. It really requires concerted effort and a major shift in your thinking and personality, something that's not always the easiest to be conscious of when your mind is on other things. The easiest way I've found to help is to take a more empathetic/sympathetic approach when talking with people. Take a genuine interest in their lives, ask them questions, talk about their interests. Don't always make the conversation about yourself.
Oh of course I understand empathy and stuff like that, in fact i often come off as being TOO empathetic sometimes. I just want my sarcasm to come off as more lighthearted and less....well scathing.
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To become more kittenish... wear cat ears? Like Arc! Omg he is modeling for ya lol
Definition time. kit·ten·ish ˈkitn-iSH/ adjective adjective: kittenish playful, lively, or flirtatious. "her voice had that kittenish quality"
take off the fedora
Boooo....though im glad you didn't call it a trilby. I would have been MAD!
talking about yourself a lot probably doesn't really help, and like Donnie and Mainichi said, don't be one of those fedora-sporting, reddit-brand atheists that challenges anyone and everyone simply because they can
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