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What game are you currently playing?

Witcher 3, Overwatch, Dark Souls 3, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn.
I've been playing Don't Stave Together with a few friends as well as Fallout 4. I've also been playing the new Final Fantasy 15 demo since I just can't get enough of it, it only makes waiting for the game that much harder.
Loooooota Battlefield. That's really all I wanna play atm, so that's what I'm doin. Got the Bloodborne plat a while ago, so I may finish out The Old Hunters soon.
I play a lot of Smash4 and LoL, I'm over hyped for Zelda and I can't wait for the NX... Is there a Smash thread here? I can't find a search option... Yes I am newb o- o
I've been hopping between the souls games and bloodborne for about three months so far. I'll finish one, go to another, etc, and then repeat in no particular order. I have like two hours of overwatch and a day or so of minecraft splashed in but that's about it. Haven't been able to touch demon's souls since I didn't bring my PS3 when I moved, but I don't really miss it. Feels too limited.
Gundam Breakers 3
I got my plat for Bloodborne not too long ago and started up Dark Souls, but I think I'm getting a little burnt out on Soulsborne lately... I've got a ton of stuff in my backlog I need to work on, though. Anybody else planning to get Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE? I know there's a lot of mixed feelings on it, but I kind of love the concept.
WWE 2K16 is getting my attention these days. Having a lot of fun creating things lol
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