Onigiri on ps4

kagemushalosbot @kagemushalosbot
Onigiri on ps4
kagemushalosbot @kagemushalosbot
Anyone play???

Hiyori Neko @hiyori_neko
commented on
Onigiri on ps4
Hiyori Neko @hiyori_neko
I'm more of a warframe kinda person but you can add me and we can play : Leapnlizard

voss @chill1000
commented on
Onigiri on ps4
voss @chill1000
the game is not bad but the in game fps drop so much in town its almost unplayable and i dont know why but the game feel unfinished almost like a beta.

Okamiwan21 @delrian_ulbrict
commented on
Onigiri on ps4
Okamiwan21 @delrian_ulbrict
The game is incredibly pay to win.. Which is a working business model for it, just for anyone looking into it keep that in mind

J @j_oxford
commented on
Onigiri on ps4
J @j_oxford
I thought that game died, I remember it was unsupported for PC like a year or two ago?

}{Shadow}{ @xripxshadow
commented on
Onigiri on ps4
}{Shadow}{ @xripxshadow
Actually that game is still alive and updating to its just not that well know that and CS suck at running their company. The pc version is what I am talking about never tried the ps4 one.
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