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I dont know anymore

Dec 07, 15 at 6:15pm
Dude, you're 18 and still have plenty of time to get into the dating game. Enjoy being a young guy, go to college, hang out and spend time with family and friends. Do what you like to enjoy personally. Getting a gf is nice, but if it's your only consuming thought, there's so much more to life than worrying about being in a relationship, especially at your age.
Dec 07, 15 at 6:45pm
I wish I waited till I was more mature. Give yourself time to grow. My advice would to develop yourself and whenever you feel ready try it. Never rush into a relationship, because those end as soon as they start.
Dec 07, 15 at 7:05pm
What Cecil said. I've had depression for yeaaaars, and I know getting over it is simpler than it sounds. Yet here I am, still kicking ass and taking names. But you're 18. You have decades in front of you, and you will find someone. But when you base your life and value around friendships and relationships, you won't EVER stop feeling depressed. Find things you like to do and do them, if you don't know what you like then attempt different hobbies. At your age, there is absolutely no point in hinging everything on finding someone. Not everyone will like you, it's a harsh fact of life. Not everyone is honest either, life is filled with liars, cheaters and backstabbers. BUT. I can guarantee you that you WILL eventually find select people who will become your closest friends, people who appreciate you for you. People that won't stab you in the back or lie to you. Quality is better than quantity. Forget about the destination. Enjoy the journey.
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