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I dont know anymore

Depresion,love,romance I dont know anymore I feel like nobody likes me Like that somebody comes with a knife and kills me again again and again
Dec 05, 15 at 1:55pm
Try not to put so much wight on romance. Shit's fucked these days anyway. People are extremely fickle self centered and down right disgusting in today's world making the whole process a horrible uphill battle. If you decide to play the game you should expect to get dumped, betrayed, rejected, cheated on, have months/years of your life wasted, divorced, and probably treated like shit. so what if other people don't like you? You're better off avoiding that crap and learning to be independent and to like yourself.
Maybe your right but i have a feeling i dont know what
Dec 05, 15 at 2:19pm
Many people don't have actual love or romance at your (my) age. And many suffered from depression at some point of their life. I know this might be hard to comprehend at your point but instead of whining just move forward. Get a hobby, or two. Get out of the house more.. but don't let self-pity drown you. I had a phase like that and looking back I was a pathetic, selfish fucking twat. Beauty lies in every little thing around us but we are too focused on ourselves to notice. It might take time but once you find the right person all the bad relationship and loneliness you might go through until that point will be worth it. Humans are social beings. They need human company to gain happiness. Srsly, Neet, just keep drolling over fictional 2D characters.
Your right THIS means allot for me so thx
Dec 05, 15 at 2:28pm
No problem. :) Everyone goes through hard times and sometimes needs a push to get out of them. Good luck.
And Nice picture
In a lot if ways, it's always good to be open to the joys the world has to offer ^u^ but you first have to be able to have joy inside yourself~ kinda of like ripples in a pond. If the ripples are joy, the foundation to make the ripples possible is all around you~ all you have to do is have enough joy inside you to raise your arm and make a splash, or to jump in~ or to simply toss a rock ^u^ from there the ripples will radiate from all around you~ but very few ripples will happen if you sit and wait for them ^u^
Dec 05, 15 at 2:56pm
That's the plan xynox.
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