MaiOtaku Appearance vs Reality
(Haru~) @koro_kizama
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MaiOtaku Appearance vs Reality
(Haru~) @koro_kizama
I came for the reason, stayed for the friends....
Half Baked Hikki @halfbakedhikki
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MaiOtaku Appearance vs Reality
Half Baked Hikki @halfbakedhikki
Expected: weeaboo circlejerk.
Got: weeaboo circlejerk.
Can't say I'm disappointed. :P
Okamiwan21 @delrian_ulbrict
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MaiOtaku Appearance vs Reality
Okamiwan21 @delrian_ulbrict
I would say... That I'm actually happier with the outcome I found! ^u^ I might've came here to find a place to try and find a new special someone to be with~ but I'm better off trying to do that with someone who I meet for real! ^u^ however, I did find a whole lot of awesome special friends! ^u^ I get to be my little puppy self on here that I don't get to be anywhere else, I get to make new friends and talk to some incredibly amazing people~ it may seem like a small thing~ but everybody has a story to tell! And I always love to be someone others can turn to if they need someone to talk to or if they want to see a happy optimistic ball of energy make everything seem pretty! OuO! BUTTERFLY! *RUNS OUTSIDE AT FULL SPEED*
RadioactiveSkittles @acvillager
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MaiOtaku Appearance vs Reality
RadioactiveSkittles @acvillager
Completely agree with Half Baked Hikki tbh
I guess I expected more of the features of a typical dating site? Like matches based on personality and other interests outside of "they saw the same anime that I saw" type of thing.
Cory @takashii
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MaiOtaku Appearance vs Reality
Cory @takashii
I hate everyone here.
thefireemblem @thefireemblem
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MaiOtaku Appearance vs Reality
thefireemblem @thefireemblem
Ayyyy lmoa^
ThePalmTopTiger @thepalmtoptiger
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MaiOtaku Appearance vs Reality
ThePalmTopTiger @thepalmtoptiger
Honestly, I didn't know what to think of it at first. I thought it was a dating site, used it as such, but after countless assholes I just decided to say screw it and just use it for talking to the good friends I had made. I then forgot that this place even existed. It happens, most girls on here are just tired of the average douche in their inboxes being intolerable, under-educated, backwoods protozoans. Knuckle draggers are everywhere, this is true but a few bad apples can ruin the bunch for a lot of people. Keep looking, I'm sure you'll find someone :3
thefireemblem @thefireemblem
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MaiOtaku Appearance vs Reality
thefireemblem @thefireemblem
haha I've heard many things describing men, but I have to say, backwoods protozoan is a first. And thank you c;
ThePalmTopTiger @thepalmtoptiger
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MaiOtaku Appearance vs Reality
ThePalmTopTiger @thepalmtoptiger
Haha, it's one of my favorite insults. It always manages to get a laugh, and you're welcome.
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
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MaiOtaku Appearance vs Reality
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
You think you're going to live your life alone in darkness and seclusion... Yeah, I know. You've been out there and tried to mix with those animals and it just left you full of humiliated confusion. So you stagger back home and wait for nothing. But the solitary refinement of your room spits you back out onto the internet and now you're desperate and in need of human contact. And then you meet Maiotaku and your whole world changes. Because everything it promises is everything you've ever wanted to hear. So you drop all your defenses, and you drop all your fears and you trust it completely. It's perfect in every way. 'Cause it makes you feel so strong and so powerful inside. You feel so lucky. But your ego obscures reality that you never bothered to wonder why things are going so well. You want to know why? 'Cause It's a liar, yeah, It's a liar~♪
Or something like that. It's been so many years that I barely remember.
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