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Too old?

Hiatus @reicah commented on Too old?
Jan 21, 16 at 7:09pm
"plenty of guys/girls to pick from closer to them in age" The twenties also think that way when they are rooting for people who are older than them in age , fyi cecil. Theres the doubt, that because their age gap too from the person they are rooting for is more than 8 or 10+ years older, it would not work out. The reason is because their goals in life might not be compatible. Someone likes it steady and the other party likes it rocky lol or vice versa.
Rain @rainx commented on Too old?
Jan 21, 16 at 7:40pm
That's probably true to an extent @sei. I'm sure there are 20 somethings who might be a bit more intimidated asking out or showing interest in someone 10 years their senior because of the age, experience, or life goals gap. That being said though, at least from my experience the majority of girls I've either shown legitimate interest in who were that much younger than me or at least had the question asked of them what they thought of older guys, I get the more "that's creepy/pathetic/why can't they find someone closer to their own age" vibe than one of "intimidation/they'll never be interested in someone so much younger than them" vibe. But again, that's just my personal experience when this topic of age has come up. Edit: And it could be more of a cultural thing too to an extent. I forgot you were from the Phillipines.
Hiatus @reicah commented on Too old?
Jan 21, 16 at 8:24pm
@cecil, I think the people on your side of the globe shares the same sentiments in my other side of the globe in terms of this kind of thinking. People are not a fan of 10+ year age gaps here too when it comes ro relationships.. Well some are okay with it if you are already on your 30s. But if youre in your teens and twenties, youll still get that nasty disapproval from the society. Oh what more if the age gap is 20+ hahaha. They disapprove, most of the times, because they think the younger party is just after the money or the senior one is just after sex. Thats one of the biggest perception of people about the age gap thing. They have the grounds to see it that way though so Im not gonna disrespect their opinions about it. Anyway, I dont know if intimidated is one of the right descriptions of how juniors feel about why they dont have the guts to ask their seniors. Well for me anyway. I dont feel intimidated. Hahaha. I believe real life is not a scene were a kawaii innocent girl from an anime will about to ask their senpai out. Hahahaha.
Rain @rainx commented on Too old?
Jan 21, 16 at 9:39pm
Ah okay I see what you're saying. Makes sense. I've never been to the Phillipines but I know a lot of different asian cultures view age and relationships differently. I don't imagine it really being the way a lot of slice of life and romantic anime portray relationships where the kouhai doesn't have the nerve to ask her senpai out. At least you seem too! XD
Personally? At my age, really only looking for people a year to wither side, any more is weird. Now I think the whole older guy is only after sex, younger woman is only after money thing is bullshit. One of the most in love and dynamic couples I have ever met had a 30 year gap. Thats right. 30. They married when he was 55 and she was 25. Personally, I got no problem with that. But you cant doo it as a teen or before you are in your early twenties, cause both legally and maturity wise you are not an adult yet.
Hiatus @reicah commented on Too old?
Jan 22, 16 at 7:47am
@polocrossebob Dude chill. Lol.
Jan 25, 16 at 7:24pm
Hahaha wow that's just crazy
Bunnyman @taiyou commented on Too old?
Jan 25, 16 at 7:37pm
O.o didn't think my thread was still going..
Honestly I'd prefer an older guy over someone younger or around my age. Only because they know what they want and have there shit together. Not all but most do. Am not one to judge someone based on age.
taiyou - welcome to the popular post club XD I think age is irrelevant as long as it's legal (my mindset is U.S. legal not Japan legal)
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