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How to Cope With Being Single?

get a life.
I haven't dated in my life. Being 27 years old, I've managed to just forget about it by focusing on my art projects and work. Right now in South Korea, I'm kinda enjoying life right now doing some stuff here. Been on hiatus for awhile on my artwork so now I'm just barely getting back to it. Which almost made me forget about this site. *dusting off my profile* I'm just looking forward going to places and going to Japan by the end of this year. Don't think too much about being single. Focus on yourself on what you really want to do. ( owo)/
Lots of naps and things to do. ouo
Do not revolve your life about getting a partner or feeling the need to get dependent on one. You dont need someone to feel whole. As a person, you are already whole. You just feel lonely and empty because you dont see the good thing about being single and alive. Get out of your room and do things on your own. Do things for yourself. Time to get the good side of being selfish and not worrying about anyone. Think about it. The world is yours. Then if along the way you meet people you like to share your life with either temporarily or permanently but doesnt seem to reciprocate your feelings then let it be. Still be friends, have fun and take over your world again. Its not being apathetic, its taking charge of your life so being single is less drama. Lol.
I've been cheated on destroyed emotionally and just left behind.....I've been single for a year now....and to be honest....you just gotta do you you know....if someone comes along then they come....we all just wait! And that's we do as regular peeps....I keep myself busy...I work hang with friends play games get stoned (I'm being honest about that haha I'm not encouraging drug use) and just read books and manga and watch anime.....I'm happy....why....because I have myself and I have people who care! So you'll do fine kiddo!
Feb 02, 16 at 7:48pm
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Work, get drunk, play games, watch anime and sleep a lot. The perfect recipe.
Never feel negative about yourself because it does kill you more inside. Keeping a positive out look will make you live life to the fullest. Yes it can be depressing and grim that you haven't found the one but always keep in mind that there is someone out there for everyone. Just gotta keep your chin high and don't let it beat down on you. ^^ Just live life to the fullest. Our lives are short as it is.
Agree fully with Bubble on this. Keep positive, know that your prince is out there waiting to come and save you. Its not easy being single for a long period of time, but its also not worth wasting precious time on people that will mean nothing to you in the end, or just end up hurting you. What i mean is, is pointless to date someone just for the sake of dating. I think that dating a person should be a step to improving yourself and the other as a person, growing together, creating priceless memories and feel loved/find the one you belong with. Ofcourse sometimes its not so easy to find this person and one needs to take risks.. but i think there are ways to make sure that a person is a good match and will actually fulfill you if you should take the risk of getting into a relationship. Its called "Friendship", you can always find out everything you want to know by being friends first ^^ without getting shockingly hurt like in relationships. Also coping with being single - Stay busy. Watch that anime, play those games, find other goals to achieve in the mean time or improve yourself as a person so when that special one comes along your already prepared. Friends also make it a ton easier.
When I'm single I watch lots of anime, read about stuff that interests me.....and jerk off to porn daily...
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