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Noooooo idea what's going on... http://i.imgur.com/wGRXFVJ.gif
Veruca ruined by horse riding adventure.... But on another night, probably only another 15 - 20 minutes until I post the next part!
Ohhhh okay...o.O
Nooooo Lux you have to finish and show off my Majestic....ness lol
Haha cotton Or u can play ezreal
uhggggg I dont wanna buy him thoughhhhh seems like a waiste of money
Haha but he is a hunk
Nope he is Lucky is what he is I would soooooo steal his girls
Okay, I am uploading it now, and I will be adding pictures as well.
Chapter Two: The Beginnings of Chaos Luxus pushed open the door to his inn room softly, with a slight creak as it opened. He could not shake the conversation that was just held. She was a traveling seer, skilled at predicting the course of the future. Normally a seer would charge an exuberant fee for any future that was to be told, but for some reason she accepting no form of payment. Her name was Xynox, and she was from the kingdom of Pergamos, far to the South. Yet her appearance seemed to lead Luxus to believe she was from one of the many Northern kingdoms. But it wasn't the appearance that truly troubled him, it was the message she brought forth. "You can not continue upon this path you have taken. It will only bring forth destruction and chaos. You will not regain what you are seeking, for it has already gone from this world. Indeed, I know exactly what it is, and her spirit has become lost already. The plight you are venturing is futile." With that, she refused to open her mouth any longer. Xynox had pulled the hood of her cloak over her head and proceeded to gaze into the orb in front of her. Her mesmerizingly blue eyes fixated on the swirling clouds of the crystal. So perplexed and weary, Luxus retired to the room that Donnie had prepared for him. He walked across the small room towards the freshly made bed. Physically exhausted, Luxus turned his back to the bed and just let himself fall onto it, not even bothering to remove his traveling cloak. Mind still reeling, sleep somehow came upon him. ******************************************************* The door to the Luxus's room slammed open with a crash, and something heavy landed on his chest. Sitting up quickly, he reached for his sword still sheathed at his side. He could barely breathe from the weight that was on his chest. As his eyes began to adjust to the moonlight shining into his room, he began to make out the shapes. It was some kind of animal that was on him, just as it began to dawn on him what it was, the rough tongue of Arc jutted out between daggerlike teeth and licked across Luxus's face. The massive panther sprung to the floor after greeting his owner. Luxus knew something was up for Arc to come inside like this; the cat prefers to sleep outdoors under the bright moon. Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, Luxus swung his still booted legs over the side of the bed. It was then that he heard it, something was moving downstairs in the dining room. It was making no attempts at silence either. Luxus swiftly jumped up and ever so softly moved towards the door. He drew his sword as Arc was already heading towards the hallway. The cat crouched as low to the floor as it could go and without making a sound crawled towards the inn's shaky stairs. Luxus followed behind, unsheating his sword as he shuffled after Arc. As Luxus reached to top step, he could make out a large figure at the base of the stairs. Before he could do anything, Arc bounded down the stairs, his great paws almost making no contact with the floor boards. He lunged at the figure, snarling and baring his great fangs. Arc went for the throat, attempting to finish it quickly, but the figure moved slightly. Instead, the cat's teeth sank deep into the shoulder of this figure. A gutteral scream erupted from the figure and then Luxus saw it; the gleam of the steel in the figures hand. Luxus ran down the stairs raising the sword in his right hand. With one last lunge down the last few stairs, he thrust his blade deep into the chest of the figure. Blood ran freely over the blade in Luxus's hand. The sword the figure held slowly began to fall towards the wooden floor. With a clatter it hit the ground, and in the same moment, Arc released his grip of the shoulder, only to then close it's jaws around the throat. Bones could be heard snapping and crunching as he clamped down, blood spraying the surrounding inn. With a final yank, Arc tore his jaws free, bringing a large chunk of the figures throat with it. http://media.moddb.com/images/groups/1/9/8054/1008x756_5606_Orc_2d_fantasy_illustration_orc_warrior_picture_image_digital_art.jpg The light to the dining room abruptly flickered on as Donnie dashed into the room. Still in his sleeping attire, he ran towards the stairs. Upon seeing the figure, now shown to be a rather large goblin crumbling to the floor, blood covered the surrounding surfaces, he tried to stop. Instead, his feet gave way on the blood soaked floor and he slid into a nearby table, sending chairs rocketing into each other. Just as he was preparing to pick himself off the ground, three more goblins enter the inn, all of them larger and more vicious looking then the deceased goblin in front of Luxus. Seeing their fallen comrade, they stopped abruptly, the goblin in the middle opened his mouth to speak. In a deep, gutteral voice he spoke out in a rough version of the common tongue. "Mattcrusher, bring, now, her!" With that, the goblin to the right, apparently named Mattcrusher, backed out of the door. Swords in clenched hands, the goblins grotesque faces eyed their target. Arc took a step forward, but Luxus held him back. Blood dripped from the fiercesome cats mouth; the sight would have intimidated even the most mighty of creatures. But the goblins stood unfazed. They were clearly at a disadvantage, but the goblins appeared as calm as if they had the upper hand. http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/5161a03e5a422e2ca4ab6b9ff70fdd1f/http://i632.photobucket.com/albums/uu41/bobodaklownkila_2009/wor_orc.jpg Then it hit them, a nauseating smell permeated the inn. The stench was unlike anything Luxus had smelled in his life. Arc whined softly next to him and backed slowly towards the kitchen. A crooked smile played across the face of the largest goblin. With a great shout, he yelled out, "Veruca!" What is this new evil that is appearing? What happened to Xynox? What is Luxus's goal? Continue to read to find out more!
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