Is it consider racist?
Rina @rinatanchu
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Is it consider racist?
Rina @rinatanchu
@BloodCuredChild I don't know what anyone is talking about before. I don't even know if the comments after my first comment had anything to do with what we were talking about.
Either way, I would say having a preference based on race is racist. I know he said "darker girls" but I think he means to say black girls because he was associating dark girls with how black girls are portrayed in the media.
It is racist because to say that you will not date any girls who are from particular that race assumes that all girls from that race looks, act, and are the same.
It is also racist to say you have a preference from particular that race assumes that all girls from that race looks, act, and are the same.
Why is it racists to take assume everyone in a race is the same?
Because even people in the same race hold different cultures, history, physical characteristics, ideals, etc. And within these cultures, it goes even further.
To assume that everyone in a race is the same (i.e. looks the same), it also hurts people who are in that race.
For example, I've heard many people say they like Asians because of their folded eyes, but they don't like how "small Chinese eyes are and Japanese and Korean eyes are better." I've heard so many South East Asian and Pacific Asian girls hate how tan their skin is cuz they feel that "tan skin looks ugly on Asians." This may be through the East Asian and Western standard of beauty of skin being fair and pale.
@I'm a Gamer I would say you are onto something. Everyone can be racist and is. There is such a thing called internalized racism where People of Color (especially in the US) will hate how they are a certain race because of stereotypes and will try not to associate with that race.
I understand what you mean. I know my grandfather would be very mad if I dated a black man. I remember when I was 13 my dad made a joke about me dating a black man at the dinner table and I saw my grandfather get very mad, with vains sticking out of his head. Even though we are Mexican, he is still racists. But I did eventually date a black man when I was 18. Kinda. It was very complicated. My skin is darker than some for a Chicana but not as dark as many others.
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
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Is it consider racist?
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
You weren't racist, you were gullible. You believe that dark skinned girls only act a certain way based off what you saw thru some extremely limited medium and decided not to get too close to them because of it. That's not racism, that's stupidity, ignorance and gullible. Congratulations, FOX and CNN would LOVE you.
Due note. You were cool until you explained why you disliked them. If you were to keep it at "just my preference" then you would've been fine. Grant it, saying that to some people is a cop out, but fuck their feelings.
I. personally, don't care for fat chicks nor ugly chicks. If you weigh a certain amount and if to me you are ugly, it's not gonna happen. People can say what they want about me and my preference all they want, they're not the one in my shoes. I don't wanna fuck a beach whale nor do I wanna fuck Quasimodo's sister.
Sonic @sonicspinner
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Is it consider racist?
Sonic @sonicspinner
In my opinion the difference between having in preferences and being racist is if it really was just a preference, you would not have said that you won't date "dark" skinned girls, unless you meant you aren't against dating one despite normally not being attracted to them. Although you stating this is based off of stereotypes makes me feel it is most likely the former.
But l also feel like everyone is at least a little prejudiced as it is depending on the environment they were raised in. Still, I don't think is a good reason (if there even is a good reason) to completely shut off an entire race of people from your dating pool, but in the end it's your life, not mine.
徐々に @jojoni
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Is it consider racist?
徐々に @jojoni
I laughed so much from Kichigai's preferences. He's right though, it's his dick not anybody else's.
You don't need to preach anything to nobody, if that's what attracts you then so be it. Trying to make others feel the same way as you do is a different thing...
카덴자 @sdcadenza
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Is it consider racist?
카덴자 @sdcadenza
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