What's your zodiac sign?
Haruu @haruu
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What's your zodiac sign?
Haruu @haruu
@Sylvara: I can choose? XD
@leorio: interesting... Although it's all so broad it all sounds like me saaha
Half Baked Hikki @halfbakedhikki
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What's your zodiac sign?
Half Baked Hikki @halfbakedhikki
Saggitarius, the Archer
Sylvara @sylvara
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What's your zodiac sign?
Sylvara @sylvara
@Haruu: Yeah, if you land on a day where it typically changes between two signs most people choose depending on which ever they like or if they believe the zodiac which ever describes them better XD
@Hikki: Yet another archer makes themselves known. Not as many as I thought there would be though.
Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
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What's your zodiac sign?
Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
Sylvara @sylvara
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What's your zodiac sign?
Sylvara @sylvara
We have an Aquarius finally XD Welcome!
leorio @leorio
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What's your zodiac sign?
leorio @leorio
Did I destroy your future now? ^.^'
If weird and unlucky things happen to you now, my apologies ^w^
But if not... I'm not done yet >:]
I'm not superstitious btw xD Just here for the fun ;o
Okamiwan21 @delrian_ulbrict
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What's your zodiac sign?
Okamiwan21 @delrian_ulbrict
I is a cancer! And I usually feel like I go with what cancers are described as >u<
Sylvara @sylvara
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What's your zodiac sign?
Sylvara @sylvara
@Delrian: My best friend is cancer! She fits her description exactly too XD
@Leo: I haven't had anything worse than what normally happens, so throw 'em at me!
leorio @leorio
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What's your zodiac sign?
leorio @leorio
Not yet you have to regenerate because of that last pic first, too dangerous otherwise!
Trust me I'm a do... no actually I'm just leorio ^.^'
Sylvara @sylvara
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What's your zodiac sign?
Sylvara @sylvara
@Leo: Really now? K and here I thought you weren't superstitious XD
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