Date for Anime Expo in LA?

k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
Date for Anime Expo in LA?
k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
Heya, I'll be going to anime expo in LA this year and was wondering if anyone was interested in meeting up for an at-convention date! (pls be female lol) We can hang out and talk at the Maid Cafe or Lounge 21 over a drink. Also, I'll be cosplaying as Emiya Kiritsugu from Fate/Zero, which is just a suit with a tattoo on my hand, so I won't be too outrageous haha. anyways hit me up if you're interested, everything is more fun with a new friend :D

Kyetge! @kyetge
commented on
Date for Anime Expo in LA?
Kyetge! @kyetge
Will it be weird if I'm just interested in meeting people from this site to talk to? ._.

k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
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Date for Anime Expo in LA?
k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
No, not weird in the slightest! Meeting people from this site and talking with them at whatever conventions/events I go to was my goal anyway.

Kyetge! @kyetge
commented on
Date for Anime Expo in LA?
Kyetge! @kyetge
Cool,because I'm going with my cousin on Day 2.:3

k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
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Date for Anime Expo in LA?
k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
Awesome! Will you be at the Fiction Junction / Yuki Kajiura concert? Thats the biggest thing I'm looking forward to that day.

Kyetge! @kyetge
commented on
Date for Anime Expo in LA?
Kyetge! @kyetge
I don't know. Do we have to buy a ticket for that? ._.I've never really been to concerts because I don't like loud sounds.

k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
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Date for Anime Expo in LA?
k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
Yeah you do. They are $40/$30/$20 depending on where you want to sit. I think that after all the people who paid for places to sit at are seated, the rest of the empty seats will be filled for free for people in a standby line. Also, ear plugs can help dampen the sound while still being able to enjoy the music. I get them for free here at work and can bring some since its a pretty loud environment lol

Kyetge! @kyetge
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Date for Anime Expo in LA?
Kyetge! @kyetge
First I have to talk it over with my legal guardian! :D
"A man I don't know yet says he can meet me at the Expo and give me earplugs to comfort me during a concert. Can we go to the standby line? :D"
Well, he's my cousin and not my dad, so maybe. :P

k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
commented on
Date for Anime Expo in LA?
k3nsh1n4life @k3nsh1n4life
I can imagine that not flying so well lol. As far as the concert is concerned, I got my ticket the moment they were available for sale online, so I'll be screaming like a little girl in the front row :P. I'd still give you the earplugs though. Definitely go to the Yuki concert since she is such a renowned composer in the anime/gaming world. For meeting up, we could probably just walk around the exhibition hall while chatting and buying/window-shopping random anime paraphernalia. I always found that to be fun haha

Kyetge! @kyetge
commented on
Date for Anime Expo in LA?
Kyetge! @kyetge
I've never ever gone to a convention before, so I don't really know what to expect, except maybe a few groups of meanie Homestuck cosplayers and overzealous Hetalia/Naruto/Vocaloid fans(according to the legit-sounding weeaboo horror stories on the web).
And I'll be sticking by my cousin like wiggly on a hot dog. So maybe I can work something out with him a bit later, but still before the convention. :D
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