Regrets From The Past
kenshinjmc @kenshinjmc
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Regrets From The Past
kenshinjmc @kenshinjmc
Yeah, I have. It's something that really disturbs me even today, won't go into what it is because I was told by the shrink I was seeing in high school that I should put the past where it belongs.
コーリー @anlme
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Regrets From The Past
コーリー @anlme
This account has been suspended.
Uninterested. @coffeelink
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Regrets From The Past
Uninterested. @coffeelink
If i went back and changed the bad-stuff about my past, then i wouldn't be the person that i am today, as humans we are defined by our experiences whether they be enjoyable or horrific, Proud or embarrassing. It's what makes you respectful of life and gives you a better understanding o things in general.
I wouldn't change anything about the past, Whether it be stuff that i did or stuff that happened to me...
Quite honestly, i'm actually grateful for the hardships that i had to endure; from the Death of people who were dear to me and the times i failed. When my Best-friend and my other love-interest passed away, i felt like i wanted to go back and take their place or bring them back, but thinking about it... Those deaths made me value every other person close to me even more and it made me aware and disciplined. I'm Stronger, better and smarter because of my mistakes. i'd go into more detail... but those are just my own personal beliefs. maybe somebody will read this and extricate themselves with it; whether via improvement or coming up with a different ideal all together.
I feel these MO threads are becoming too real af fam. i don't even know you niggas and i'm passing sage advice dawg.
Be grateful guys! Life is great!
InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
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Regrets From The Past
InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
I appreciate your posts a lot guys, I apologise if it's depressing but hey; I guess gathering from what you all say I just have a lot to learn in this life. I'm learning to leave my past where it belongs and with recent events that's been happening to me I think I'm making slow but plentiful progress! I hope everything goes well for you guys in the future as well. From now on I'm going to try and keep myself in the present.
tsukii @tsukii
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Regrets From The Past
tsukii @tsukii
Quoting what someone once said to me:
"Never Forget about the past, it's part of us, it made us who we are today. But don't let the past influence your present.
Sure, we all made some mistake or choices we regreted later, but sadly no one has the ability to time leap to go back and redo everything.
Don't see it as a mistake or regret it, you can almost never correct a mistake in life, take it as a lesson from life to grow. You will never finish learning in this life, it itself is a lesson.
That's why: heads up, Keep going, don't lose your faith and strenght because it will be a Long battle, believe in yourself and never Forget to smile."
darkxangel @darkxangel
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Regrets From The Past
darkxangel @darkxangel
I don´t regret things from the past. I am who I am. I just wish I could have saved one person.
Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
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Regrets From The Past
Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
I can't say I have any regrets as I make my decisions knowing that they all have certain consequences to them and move forward. I look to the past to understand any mistakes that were made from said choices but I don't regret anything.
O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
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Regrets From The Past
O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
i regret eating that big mac last night
Heero yuy @kingvanleer23
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Regrets From The Past
Heero yuy @kingvanleer23
Trying to fit in I joined a gang at a young age and did stupid stuff that's my biggest regret
soulxiii @soulxiii
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Regrets From The Past
soulxiii @soulxiii
the girls I wasted my time, money and emotions on. mainly the money
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