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Why would a girl treat a guy like crap out of nowhere?

People get bored, people lose interest, and there's no easy way out. ~T
I wonder what the actual objective situation is here :^)
Hmmm... I'm not sure how to say this without offending you or anyone, but... Maybe, it's the people you do choose. What I mean is that people do have habits on making the wrong friends or crowd. It's common. It mostly, because of people past events and choices in their lives. I know this, because of my sister and other people as well... :(
If you can find the root of the problem. I'm sure you can have good friends and a great relationship. ;D *give s thumbs up*
So, stay positive and don't give up. ^w^
It's no biggie, Queen Fancy. I'm open to suggestions and criticism alike lol otherwise I wouldn't have posted this. It makes sense what you're saying along with all the other replies I've read so far, and to be honest I wasn't expecting many people to write a response. I'm considering all the possibilities and I appreciate listening to everyone's perspective for the most part. I'm not too upset now, and for now I'm just taking a few steps back and asking myself why these things are happening because ultimately I do know why whether or not I want to admit it or not. There might be misunderstands, and because of me being frustrating I'm not looking at both sides of the story either or considering the possibility that maybe she's not trying to attack me and perhaps I'm just taking things the wrong way. Either way, I've made up my mind that I won't let something like this ruin the friendship so I'm going to give her some space and have time to think and reflect on my actions. When the time calms, we'll eventually start talking again and i'll get the full picture. I'm not used to having people in my life, and the slightest change makes me feel threatened and insecure about myself. I need to grow up in my part, to look past these insecurity so I can start enjoying life again. Anyways, I thank everyone for leaving a response.
FRIENDZONE OUTTA NOWHERE http://i.imgur.com/gqf8Vcu.gif yeah dude ik what you mean all jokes aside, i find it funny how people can just do an xbox 360 on you like its nothing. you can be the nicest person to someone and they will just take advantage of that and walk all over you. its happened to me before and its not a nice feeling the only thing i can say is move on and dont get so hung up on it if your anything like me, it will happen more than once just gotta get used to it thats how the world works.
zehvee why did you give up martial arts just curious? You did not elaborate greatly on the specific situation. Why did you not feel good enough? for what? If something suddenly changed drastically something was a catalyst. It may or may have not been related to you so do not assume until you find the facts if that is possible otherwise stand tall unmoved. As you said stepping back from the initial shock to process things is good vs. acting on impulsive emotional feelings. As for exploiting weaknesses... While there are people who indeed may do that, many can do it unknowingly because they received a social queue somehow that you wanted to be treated in a certain manner that is contrary to your true feelings. Having no friends is better than having toxic ones. Neither situation is ideal which is why you must always work to become your own best friend firstly(not selfish or egotistical there is a diff). When you can be a good friend to yourself making friends becomes easy as breathing, it takes practice and a little soul searching and sometimes swallowing a bitter pill or two. Always be working on enriching your own life and surround yourself with positive people and distance yourself from toxic ones. Good luck and don't be discouraged.
My parents had me moving a lot, growing up I never truly had a place to call our own. Even now, I have to move out from where I'm staying due to family crisis and I need to be there for them. The past few years have been rough, and it's a miracle that I made a friend or two in that time. I'm gonna do what I can for now, and then eventually start planning to be independent and successful. Anyways, I do agree with you and what you're saying and that's why I'm telling myself that everything will be fine and stay calm. I am very impulsive on certain things, but looking back that hasn't gotten me anywhere. I have to remind myself that I'm in control of my own actions. If i'm not happy, it's all because of me because I assume things are out to get me and I assume that I did something wrong. If i assume the opposite is true also... Right now the people close to me might need my help and I can't sit around and beat myself up bout the past. A lesson I learned that the "future" is the past healed. I swore that I will change, for the better and not get into the old stuff. The anger, the hate, and craziness that I grew up with. I know that talk is talk, until you prove it to others but I'm just expressing my thoughts whether or not people believe me.
Did anyone else skim through the posts and read sunflowers "Maybe it's a misunderstanding?" as "Maybe it's a masturbation?" xD But the best thing you can do is forgive, forget, and not talk to that bitch again o3o
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