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Aug 17, 15 at 12:44pm
Hey :D, i thought instead of repeating everything about me,i will copy paste my profile info over here because i do have the habit of post walls of text >.<, thus...sry in advance but here you go everyone :D hope to get along over here: Yoho, i can't think of much i can say about myself so i might update on a later date, i am 21 until this year's December, obviously an Anime,Game,Manga fan with games being sadly the weakest due to my pc being kinda weak and running new games in low fps :x I mostly play RPG games which have good stories and currently playing LoL for i think...2 and half years? but only half seriously with my friends whom invited me, playing on EUW as TiiKei for those interested :D . As for Anime/Manga, i saw/read many so far, no idea when i will finish making my anime list over here lol, i dont mind other peoples' genres at all (i am actually more surprised that some guys dislike girls for liking yaoi while they obviously watched some ecchi at some point =o, so did i but i only start recent ones IF i smell a good story, and usually drop if i made a mistake ><), /> Other than anime,i also like drawing and i compete with my lil sister sometimes but she likes drawing nature and abstract stuff over Anime/chiby characters >< (i might as well upload one of my finished drawings as my profile pic, i usually stop on the sketching part or black/white). I also speak a total of 5 languages due to having 2 nationalities and the other 2 from school, with the last one being....special.ask me if interested :D As for music i might get considered weird, but i only listen to Japanese music >< i would love it if someone with the same taste gives me some nice songs outside of openings/endings because i am pretty sure i will like them. I wouldn't really say that i am a shy person (i was as a kid/teenager, kinda got over it) but i am usually spacing out or admiring some random stuff thats around me so i would call myself quiet unless the topic is of course anime/manga ect :D I am extremely open-minded and never judge anyone over anything, everyone has their reasons for what they are/do in their life, i value friendship a lot (and my family as well) proof, got 3 true friends from the 1st year of elementary school up until now (3rd year in university), if anybody's interested, add me :) i hope to have lots of fun on here :D
Aug 17, 15 at 12:48pm
Does one of those 5 languages include French? :o Welcome to the site and hope you enjoy your stay :)
cabbage @donnierye commented on Yoho
Aug 17, 15 at 12:52pm
Welcome nerd
Yoohei @olios5 commented on Yoho
Aug 17, 15 at 12:53pm
Yup :D its one of the 2 we learn at school with english being the 2nd (even though its my best language so far lol)
Aug 17, 15 at 12:57pm
You are officially more important to me than donnie is now o-o
Yoohei @olios5 commented on Yoho
Aug 17, 15 at 12:58pm
Poor donnie o_O and i shall add ya naw :D
Aug 17, 15 at 1:05pm
Donnie is bae how dare you say that >:u @Yoohei do you think you can draw me like one of your french girls? http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/177/574/funny-pictures-kitten-model-french-girls.jpg
Yoohei @olios5 commented on Yoho
Aug 17, 15 at 1:07pm
sure could xD gonna upload some drawings i did some years ago (i am mostly used to drawing faces not full body ones, but i intend to learn some more once i find some free time ><)
Yoohei @olios5 commented on Yoho
Aug 17, 15 at 1:14pm
Done o/ and ignore the fully colored one, it was my first try with paint tool SAI and i kinda failed it imo
Aug 17, 15 at 1:17pm
Donnie means nothing to me! it's all about the french <3
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