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Do you think you're good at picking up on signals?

@Pippy Fine answer! lol. That's about where I stand.
Absolutely not. Coming upto me and saying "Ayy baby u want sum fuk?" would still make me look at you like "what?" To go down the rabbit hole, the next thing would be why do I think Im not good picking up signals. Thats easy. Not enough interested parties. so I have little XP in this field. That and the obligatory "why even me?" aspect. But hey, in the rare instances I do pick something up, I can usually roll with it just fine...
@onlycrit1995 my bro T_T..
I suck at picking up on signals. Its cool to be hit on i suppose but if your not into them it can get awkward. Better question is why do signal exist? If you seek to be in a relationship with someone or are in a relationship with someone why not just be straight forward. Seems like a needless game to me. I have seen quite a few people that have been interested in one another and tried to drop the signals and when they didn't get they assumed the other was just disinterested and missed out. Ah and yeah i know it is not always that simple but if you aren't forward than how do you expect to progress. I mean i am probably as shy as they come when confronting someone i like, but if i want it bad enough i gather the courage and ask them out.
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