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The most anime moment that I ever experienced and it happened at AX2015...

First of I’d like to say that Anime Expo 2015 was awesome! It was my first time going to the expo and I definitely plan to go all 4 days next year with a more refined Space Dandy cosplay and 3 others. My very brief, embarrassing, and funny story begins at the main hall. I just separated with my friend who I carpooled to the convention with in order to meet up with my other friend from High School. Before I met up with her, I really had to use bathroom so I went to look for one. As soon as I got out of the crowded hall I spotted signs for the closest bathroom and walked towards it. As I was walking toward the bathroom room I was looking at my phone in case she contacted me because the reception was pretty bad there. Before I knew it, I was in the restroom. However, I would soon realize that I was in a place that I didn’t intend to be in. After I took my attention off my phone, I looked around and noticed lady cosplayers fixing themselves around me. At first I was like “What the fuck? Where am I?” then it struck me that I walked into the ladies room! I thought to myself “OMFG”. Immediately I fell into embarrassment and said “Oooh shiit, I’m so sorry!!!” I kept apologizing as I walked out. A few of the kind ladies saw what just happened, laughed and said it was ok and they understood my position… This is one of the reason why AX2015 was memorable, but in a more embarrassing way LOL! YES, SENPAI’S NOTICED ME!!! https://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ma4qhwEtxH1qc5wono1_r1_500.gif
An anime moment for me was when I went to build a bird house with a friend after school, but our convo went into what do you consider a friend. And all the things he said just sounded like things you would expect someone from an anime to say. Totaly amazing.
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