Do you consider yourselves attractive?

ookamigaru @ookamigaru
commented on
Do you consider yourselves attractive?
ookamigaru @ookamigaru
Lol I find myself at the half way point. I'm working towards a goal. So yeah lol. Though, I find my personality ritually attractive ;p. Lol

Crobi @noire
commented on
Do you consider yourselves attractive?
Crobi @noire
I don't really find myself totally attractive. Bu that's just me. :\

kingspart22 @kingspart22
commented on
Do you consider yourselves attractive?
kingspart22 @kingspart22
I dont consider myself ugly in looks, and not anything close to ugly in personality, but since a relationship eludes me and I have yet to find someone to spend my happiness with I wouldnt be able to consider myself attractive.

kingspart22 @kingspart22
commented on
Do you consider yourselves attractive?
kingspart22 @kingspart22
i apologize for the spam

kingspart22 @kingspart22
commented on
Do you consider yourselves attractive?
kingspart22 @kingspart22
sorry for the spam

Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl
commented on
Do you consider yourselves attractive?
Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl
All I think Im average o.o I can be funny and sweet but I do care abipout ppl.. ALOT ._.

Little Miss @littlemiss
commented on
Do you consider yourselves attractive?
Little Miss @littlemiss
I do not really consider myself attractive, although the two qualities I do not mind about myself are my eyes and my lips (strangely). I also like my new piercing (cartilage). I grew up as quite a shy child and even when I spoke I.. kind of have a strange voice (not sure if its vocal damage or what) so that also made me feel self conscious as a person as people (classmates, teachers, etc.) would always ask about it.. and I never knew any different.. So, yeah.. :3 Being at university has broadened my social spectrum. I find communicating interesting but challenging, and I tend to prefer it online as opposed to face-to-face. I think the fact that I enjoy a good debate every now and then, as well as having a range of interests (including Greek Mythology) are somewhat interesting factors. Its something different, I suppose. :)

Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl
commented on
Do you consider yourselves attractive?
Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl
On a totally unrelated topic Greek mythology is cool

Little Miss @littlemiss
commented on
Do you consider yourselves attractive?
Little Miss @littlemiss
It is. :) I find it absolutely fascinating!

ping_timeout @ping_timeout
commented on
Do you consider yourselves attractive?
ping_timeout @ping_timeout
Absolutely not, but this isn't a reason to not take care of myself. I keep clean and shaven, and watch my diet so I don't get too big.
Being tall sucks, because everyone is scared of you.
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