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Do you consider yourselves attractive?

Well, to be honest i always have thought of myself as attractive since high school when i got into working out and sports. Ever since i have worked out at the least 4-5 days a week, and i have high grooming standards thanks to being in the military so yeah. And i find i have a decent personality and im very out going and such. Also people tend to like all my tattoos :p
So many people look down on themselves...(I'm being a hypercritical, I have the worst self esteem) What is beauty anyway? What makes you attractive? Is beauty in magazines and being a size double zero? Who made the standards? Everyone is beautiful, in everyway. Tell the standards and expectations to Fuck Off
Beauty(physical) is only skin deep and is also in the eye of the beholder. Each individual holds a different standard for beauty. It's a shallow concept and one that every human is guilty of having. Everyone is beautiful in their own right. However, that being said, there ARE certain things one should probably avoid doing that falls FAR outside the boundaries of personal beauty standards. I think there should be a good balance between levels of caring or not caring what others think. (One example is that no one wants to see the plumber's crack on a regular day-to-day basis)
I don’t consider myself attractive but I also don’t think I’m ugly, I guess I would say I’m average at best. Although recently one of my friends told me I was goofy looking, so... I guess my looks are up for interpretation
Jul 13, 13 at 11:18am
Well I always wanted to hear the truth from others about this matter
I think I am fabulous. HUEHUE.
I think it's a matter of how I feel in the morning. lol Sometimes I wake up and I feel bitchin', and other days, I feel the need to shout "I'M UGLY AND I'M PROUD" from the rooftops.<p> But here's a little pic I always have on my computer:<p> <a href="http://tinypic.com?ref=2zodw8p" target="_blank"><img src="http://i41.tinypic.com/2zodw8p.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
I have a whole new confidence in myself. Idk what changed but, I feel great. I notice a lot more looks and have had the opportunity to date around lately. I think I'm finally becoming a man!
I'm certainly not the most striking of gents physically, but I do think there are attractive qualities about myself. I am not afraid to tell the truth, to be genuine with people regardless of what it will make them think of me. There is an intelligent brain on my shoulders, plenty of thoughts to share and discuss. There is never any shortage of random and fun things to discuss with me. I'm comfortable with who I am and my own skin, and I am not afraid to share the person inside with others.
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