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Do you consider yourselves attractive?

hmmm.. i think im not i would think of my self very plain person but redeem my self would probably my personality
do i find myself attractive no why i think i'm date-worthy i stick to my morals i'm not an asshole unless its to protect something, i work hard and i try my best to help other then that i wouldn't know
To be honest with myself I rate myself a 6 or maybe a 7 out of a one outta ten scale :] and those are my feelings soo when i said 6 or 7 i feel strongly with those numbers only which means i feel good on that number and wouldnt change a thing about that ^^
I am Quasi Modo. But I would like to think my personality might make up for some of the physical flaws I have. But for a lot of people physical beauty is a high priority so I do have some troubles. But if person can get past that I have had some really great rekationships. So nope not attractive.
I'd give my self a 5. I'm not ugly and I'm not good looking either. I'd like to think my personality brings it up to a 6 or a 7. But if it's just looks I'd say 5.
Mmm... I think I'm in the mid. Hahaha sometimes though it depends on like lighting and angles :p But I think it's natural for people to think that. I mean, we all see our own perceived flaws and then think it's a bigger deal than it is. Everyone wants to change something about themselves and what not
For me I think I'm ~60 on a 100 scale. I'm better looking than a lot of guys for my weight, but I am by no means a prince charming. Physical attractiveness is important, but I see it this way: Physical+internal attractiveness^2 = 1.5 ( Min threshold). Which basically means - Decent looks and a great personality will net you high in my books. Personality trumps looks but if I hate someone's body or face I can't look past it really easily. Of course I try to give everyone a chance.
Nope I'm not pretty .__________. Never have been probably never will...I'm like a 3 out of 10
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