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Are you happy being single.

I'm an introvert too, but more so in that I have a hard time approaching people. I guess I struggle in groups of 3+ people a bit, but just having one other person around would be perfect. I'd love to have a partner. Although to be honest, I'm not exactly unhappy alone, in fact I often think that I could probably go the rest of my life without a lover and still be pretty happy. So I guess, yeah.
Id say I'm happy being single, to find another person means id have to be willing to risk invading someone's personal space which I find difficult to do. So whoever can do this to someone they don't know-without getting to cold shoulder or a piss response, kuddos to you!
@uni lol your too majestic for dating
I'm thinking about becoming a monk, like a warrior monk who hunts vampires.
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http://b.mhcdn.net/store/manga/15429/075.0/compressed/m018.jpg?v=1462627922 You have to learn to live for yourself before you can live for another ;D
May 08, 16 at 7:26pm
I don't get this general aversion towards relationships. I am not much of a believer is "finding your other half" because it sound like your happiness and fulfillment is dependent on a third party and that is something that deeply troubles me. I think relationships are best when is between two singular people what I mean by that is that a relationship works best when the two people are whole and are sharing their life to each other rather than depending on the other party to have a life. So getting to the original question YES I am happy being single because I try to be whole and if a relationship becomes a possibility for me in the future I like to think we can make it a happy one by relating our lives and not by becoming dominant or dependent on the other. so be a happy singe =D
Sometimes im happy being single but when im out with my friends an there gfs they look so happy... i feel upset that im still single
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