ARK: Survival Evolved

killhuntkill @killhuntki
ARK: Survival Evolved
killhuntkill @killhuntki
Early Access game on steam check it out give me you opinion.
In my opinion it is the most refiened Survival game i played, crafting system is well done, leveling, and PvP on servers are influenced by players. Wana be peaceful you can be, or you can destroy villages instigate wars by blaming other, kill people Offline (if you go offline your body lies down, your character is "sleeping" during this time you can kill loot or build walls around him so when he comes online he will starve to death cause he wont be able to get out)
PS: game is about 20-30$ on steam. If you wana try the game the server i play is "Officialserver358"

Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
commented on
ARK: Survival Evolved
Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
Ahhhh I love this game so much, but I slowly stopped playing it and started Developing Mods for it which sucks even more time away from my life than actually playing the game.

Shoddy @shoddy
commented on
ARK: Survival Evolved
Shoddy @shoddy
played the everloving shit out of it when i came out, great game

ukulelegamer @ukulelegamer
commented on
ARK: Survival Evolved
ukulelegamer @ukulelegamer
Great game until a tribe becomes to powerful and ruins the fun for others.
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