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why do people here have 10+ pictures of random anime bullshit and 0 pictures of themself?

Haha @Red: thats me in every other post xD
im not being defensive, what have i said that is defensive? im simply stating how i feel about my choice of profile pictures and why i do not post one of my face as this thread IS a question of ''why do people here have 10+ pictures of random anime bullshit and 0 pictures of themself?'' i said i dont care about a majority of the people on this site, i did NOT state that i dont care to post on threads once and a while, please dont try and strawman me malice, you are better than that and donnie, please show me where anyone on this thread has tried to be edgy, i myself dont hold my not lack of caring for others on this site as a badge of honor, i mention it where relevant in which this instance it was
i also realise that yasshat stating that ''being an ass is kind of my thing'' could be thought of as edgy so yeah
What are you even talking about? This is about rl pic posting not thread posting. Also I'm not coersing you to post one either. You have more than enough established that you are selective about your picture sharing...
''Spiky if you don't care why are you being so defensive? People come in here to announce how they don't care which is a contradiction in itself.'' if you cant remember posting this there is something wrong with you
I know what I wrote... doesn't change a thing though.
who said you were trying to make me post an irl picture? who said this was about thread posting? i stated how i personally felt about posting an IRL picture on here because thats what the OP was asking for when he created this thread, you called that defensive, i refuted your claim, stop trying to twist my words, malice
i would also appreciate that you dont edit your posts after someone (meaning me) has already replied to them, it makes for a confusing conversation
"The picture of yourself is for others not for self really" Chances are somewhat high you won't meet the person that you talk to here unless you make it a goal or something, There isn't really a valid reason for me or anyone to put a picture of themselves up, yeah the site's main niche is dating but it is also anime which plays a huge role in this community so there shant be any reason to not put up tons of anime photos even at the cost of no actual photos of the person, we all love anime and it is what is bringing us together (that and the fact they are probably socially awkward in person or what ever the case) Aslong as the person can 1) Hold a conversation 2) Has almost the same interests as you 3) You get along with then, then what is the problem here? Does it matter what kind of photos they have up in reguards to friendships or dating in general? Correct answer would be 'no'. Then there are also the people who think if they upload a photo then people will target them for trolling, insults what ever the reasons, personally I don't upload photos of myself (besides my styling baby photo) because there are chances I wont meet anyone here, If the person wants to know what I look like or takes the initiative to friend me or what ever the case may be then we can exchange Facebook, Twitter or what ever, its really no sweat off my back if the person doesn't take an interest in me because of my photo choice, like spiky said you don't gain really anything from putting your face here, it's more so pleasing the people who are curious about you but wont ask you for a photo or something like that right? That said, what your saying is we should make others happy by uploading photos and for those who don't have them we must leave them in a box like kittens no one wants (Or so it seems, it is arguable that uploading a photo isn't hard or time consuming, just depends on how comfortable the person is with themselves) seems kind of fucked up to me (Excuse the language) There has been several notable reasons and statements in this thread like: "Get over it." - Maria <== The wisest thing on this thread so far in my opinion This explains the topic at hand in a nutshell, who gives a crap, and for Raven before you sling something like "You don't have to partake if you don't care..." I don't care, but I also know that selecting a handful of people out of a group is pretty bad, it's like picking out all of a certain race of people out of a crowd, doesn't seem like a very mature decision to me, if you buy a bag of jelly beans your going to eat them, not waste any of them, that can also be said for this community, you take your time to come here to talk or seek people then don't be a picky little kid when his mommy gives him food he doesn't like. And: "ME SPECIFICALLY MEANING NO ONES WILLING TO DATE ME GEEZ DO WE GET WHAT I'M SAYING NOW" Uru <= everyone's problem @Raven, I am pretty sure you and I won't get along, I don't like the feels I get from you, good day o3o @Rickowned, "I do have a pic of some dude that I see when I go to the bathroom at times. I just think he's some stalker fan." I honestly.. don't know how I want to feel about that..
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