Importing lists from MyAnimeList/Baka Updates?

Half Baked Hikki @halfbakedhikki
Importing lists from MyAnimeList/Baka Updates?
Half Baked Hikki @halfbakedhikki
As the thread title says. Would be kinda useful, especially if one has several hundred series they've seen/read. :P

masterjedi @masterjedi
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Importing lists from MyAnimeList/Baka Updates?
masterjedi @masterjedi
i would agree since i have been having problems finding all that ive seen. i have a more complete list at

Nanjo @nanjo
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Importing lists from MyAnimeList/Baka Updates?
Nanjo @nanjo
I agree with this. It would be easier for all of us if we could import our lists with their score.
I fully support this.

evius19 @evius19
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Importing lists from MyAnimeList/Baka Updates?
evius19 @evius19
Yes i agree. I have seen 261 Series and i won't upload all of them one by one. that's way to much work.
I support this fully

αleph-01 @a1ephy
commented on
Importing lists from MyAnimeList/Baka Updates?
αleph-01 @a1ephy
Baka? Oh, nevermind

Jarennn @jarennn
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Importing lists from MyAnimeList/Baka Updates?
Jarennn @jarennn
Any updates regarding this? well it's kinda hassle to manually entering the animes you watched one by one. We really need import feature.

datritzboi @datritzboi
commented on
Importing lists from MyAnimeList/Baka Updates?
datritzboi @datritzboi
There was an anime website that was integrated with MyAnimeList. It was pretty handy. I second the idea.

brenten87 @brenten87
commented on
Importing lists from MyAnimeList/Baka Updates?
brenten87 @brenten87
Yo But where that list at Tho!

CAC @cac
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Importing lists from MyAnimeList/Baka Updates?
CAC @cac
Lol, yeah that will never happen.
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