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ok ok i guess i see what jikoshy is saying there is no money coming in through this site but what can you expect? your site isnt up to par. its worth about the same as how good it runs...its literally a ghost town if he put in the work and maintained the site this site could have the cash rolling in...he could look into getting sponsors but who wants to sponsor a place that might get their products no where? why? cause NO ONE COMES HERE....i spread the word about the site people came and went cause ass holes and trolls chased them away so there is nothing that can be done.
I'm sorry that everyone is upset. I don't have high hopes of this site taking off but I admire the initiative and idealism begind the site and I will continue to log in and talk to the people here because I love the forums.
that's right, we won't give up, and we're waiting for you Seph
i'm sure if you can mod the place, you can put moderators in for us, or at least if you have no intention of doing anything with this place, at least keep all the money but let us run it ... >.>
you thought i forgot!! also, seems a few new girls are having issues with Cory again this week...same story, same scenario, i really can't defend this guy and idk, really hard to believe that nearly 20 women in 2 months have all made up stories about this guy, also about a dozen men too :( ... hmz...
I might not be alone, even in this small community, in thinking that this is an interesting site and would be worthwhile to donate for because of what I get out of it. But I assume from seeing other posts it is somewhat Seph's business model to work on the site after "getting enough donations." But I don't think it can work that way as it only creates a no confidence type issue with his intended customer. I am still new to all of this so I don't really know how it works. I also suppose that it could just be conjecture by people that don't know how Seph manages the site. In that case nevermind, but do we know if any work is still being put into it? Edit: Oops, didn't read earlier post of basically the same being said.
that's right, still waiting on you sephy!! non-paid staff awaits!!
I've made a couple (two) people moderators. They will know who they are. Or they won't. Who knows! Let's see how it goes.
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@Sephiroth :) OMG!! you replied!! and no disrespect because i know you're busy and we burn you quite often and although two new staff isn't a lot, it's really cool you took the time to do it NAY-SAYERS BEWARE :) - this thread actually worked <3
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