"The Worst Generation"

darkhorse @darkhorse
"The Worst Generation"
darkhorse @darkhorse
Old people say millenials are the worst generation. Apparently we contribute nothing to society and take everything for granted. The WWII era is called the best, but were they really so great?

Destine @shaedust
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"The Worst Generation"
Destine @shaedust
Well, our economy is more or less a pile of dirt...and it's mostly the old peep's fault. I think our generation is actually pretty great, if you're willing to work for opportunity. We're very innovative, and this is one of the most peaceful times for the world, surprisingly. Not to mention science and medicine is at it's greatest height, and is only improving. Sure, we've got a lot to work on, but we are working on it.

Nakama @jacob1
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"The Worst Generation"
Nakama @jacob1
Here is the worst generation. hahaha
What makes a generation of people great is what they do. It is not about economy or anything like that. It is the defining moment that puts that gen above the other. My people of generation Y have not had there chance yet. Give use some time we are slowly making our mark on the world. What I fear is generation Z. Kids in elemtey school have smart photos and tables. I fear for them and there future.

ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
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"The Worst Generation"
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
I'm a gen X'er, I'm a professional slacker, but I still work. I'd rather not, hate jobs, but still like money so I can buy fashion accessories and tech gadgets that I don't need. I guess eating and having a roof over my head is nice too sometimes.

mrzsfo415 @mrzsfo415
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"The Worst Generation"
mrzsfo415 @mrzsfo415
Iam was in 1985 so iam unsure which gen iam at...
But I was able to see the rise of the internet
From Vhs to vcd to DVD to blu ray ...

Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
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"The Worst Generation"
Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
"The Worst Generation"
Old people say millenials are the worst generation. Apparently we contribute nothing to society and take everything for granted. The WWII era is called the best, but were they really so great?
For the baby boomers, are getting older. Our generation is the age of the computer. Therefore there will be more retirements and need of younger workers in the work force. Only reason why back in the day was so great was because, making babies was like a must after the war. Therefore called the Baby Boomer era. Our era will be replacing the baby boomers. For we know more about technology, meaning more tech related jobs in the field. So I wouldn't consider our generation that useless.

uhmanda @uhmanda
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"The Worst Generation"
uhmanda @uhmanda
@shaedust in their defense its not really their fault medicine advanced and is keeping them alive like leaches because they never thought they would live this long.
Its a total cliche to blame the youngest generation decades from now we'll be doing the same to out posterity. We're gonna get shit since our generation is estimated to be the first to not be more successful then our parents but in all fairness its because the baby boomers aren't releasing their job positions. Our economy hasn't adapted to the increasing life span of humans coupled with the government dipping into our social security (in the U.S) for other aid funding so we're probably gonna be left out dry. And from a moral/social standpoint we by far have the least amount of bigots among us. I say we burn it. Burn it all. No masters no slaves!

nikita_13 @nikita_13
commented on
"The Worst Generation"
nikita_13 @nikita_13
Does any if this sound familliar?
"Much has been said recently pro and con about modern youth. My work keeps me in daily contact with them and try as I may I cannot view them with any amount of optimism. They are selfish and inconsiderate, thinking of no one’s comfort or pleasure but their own. I know of many instances where the parents are denying themselves many pleasures which are rightfully due them in order that their children may have enough to keep up with the pace of the times." - excerpt from a letter to The Chicago Tribune, May 20, 1928.
Every younger generation has been considered "the worst".

Jinsei @jinsei
commented on
"The Worst Generation"
Jinsei @jinsei
I never had that rap. Then again, I'm pretty cool with old folks. Sit around drinking talking about things no one uses or does anymore... Card Catalogues and knowing where to place a needle on a record.
If there's anything, I'd say it's how the newest generation is always less patient than the last. As things get quicker, we expect them quicker. Or there's another place to get it. In the past if you couldn't have something right then and there, you had to wait. Does it make one generation worse than the other? No. But it's a difference in how the world is viewed. And a difference in how one entertains one's self. For example, imagine what would happen if the sun lost its mind and screwed with our electronics for a week. I know of individuals who'd jump from a cliff if only mapquest could tell them where one was.

Ken Kaneki @miguelcarday
commented on
"The Worst Generation"
Ken Kaneki @miguelcarday
@totero. When I read the worst generation I also thought about one piece lol
But our generation is kind of fucked basically. Alot of people don't want to work buy homes, and save up for 401ks or iras. When it's our time to retire assuming that we live that long. Social security won't even exist or a good chance of what your paid out won't allow you to survive especially if you don't own your home. Our generation have Alot of benefits that we haven't necessarily worked for what have we contributed thus far?
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