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I need a loli pot smoker in my life. Come to me now.

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https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-KC4EoB3MjS0/U6G1Xw9PbkI/AAAAAAAABJk/-XFIP7HVpp8/w450-h253/0b011a884f16fb80b.gif jk jk what cory said drugs are bad and your only 15 too smh good luck to you kid
"...loli pot smoker..." I approve. Also Marijuana is not really a drug, it's just a plant. You can't really od on it. At worst it just makes you lazy and forgetful. Also Panda-kun is too young to be a perverted old man, that's my job!
Ho-ho-ho-Hold the fuck up, if anyone's going to make the transcendence into the perverted old man realm it's going to me!
ehhh old man T-T im only 17 though
Welcome to mo onee-San.. hope you like it here... Most of us here don't need drugs to realise the world is merely an illusion ^^ you'll meet loads of interesting people here on the forums x) (pot lovers too) stick around dude ^^
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