Looking in Vegas

venatir6420 @venatir6420
Looking in Vegas
venatir6420 @venatir6420
I live in Vegas... not really much... I will say that otakus in vegas are somewhat rare... Looking for a female equal, I've tired everywhere but I can't seem to find that right girl, and as far as i know, long distance relationships aren't working...

click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
commented on
Looking in Vegas
click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
On the bright side, prostitution is legal where you live.

venatir6420 @venatir6420
commented on
Looking in Vegas
venatir6420 @venatir6420
Eh... I don't play that game...

demonotaku @demonotaku
commented on
Looking in Vegas
demonotaku @demonotaku
You and me Both, @_@ Well the advantage is there like 4 Conventions in the city.
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