Why are bisexuals not taken seriously?
ChicG33k @chicgeek
Why are bisexuals not taken seriously?
ChicG33k @chicgeek
It's not call LGT 4 a reason but why is it that something about bisexuality makes people thing your not fully gay? When I'm with a guy I still consider myself bi, same is if I am with a girl. I don't date one person of each sex at the same time either. I wanted to see what others thought about this, do you agree or do you support being bi as a legit form of homosexuality? If your bi have you been told that you need to make up your mind of what gender you like? And if so how did you react?
trahecreations @trahecreations
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Why are bisexuals not taken seriously?
trahecreations @trahecreations
because people tend to think black and white. It is like saying "You like chocolate ice cream, so you have to hate vanilla ice cream." and people forget that there is strawberry and like 100 more flavors out there! It is harder to grasp something that is so fluid. Also, for the same reason straight people dislike gays, they feel no one is safe with bis, or they feel that it is just a phase. When in reality most bi people I think, have forsaken the pyshical form and go for personality. I say it is pure love seeking
ChicG33k @chicgeek
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Why are bisexuals not taken seriously?
ChicG33k @chicgeek
I like the way you put it and that's a good comparison for it. I should also mention that I am able to distinguish my romantic feelings apart from plantonic, I don't drool over any girl or like them because I fall for who the person they are rather than their gender and being with a guy or girl feels just as natural as any gay or straight relationship as long as I care for the person.
Nakama @jacob1
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Why are bisexuals not taken seriously?
Nakama @jacob1
Because no one takes us serious. There use to choice one or another, so they don't get the concept of liking both. I think we are just more open minded where gender does not stop who we like or love or get off too. Also if we are taking Ice cream everyone should know swirl(chocolate and vanilla) is my favorite choice with cookie dough toping from Carvel.
Plus there is the whole thought if a person is bi they like everyone and hit of everyone witch is so wrong.
yaasshat @yaasshat
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Why are bisexuals not taken seriously?
yaasshat @yaasshat
Because homo means one and bi means two. The terms are not interchangeable. Gay is a term that has long been identified with homosexuals, well and it means happy, it's orginal meaning.I'm straight and I more than realize you can be sexually attracted to both, but to each their own. Of course you can and still do have monogamous relationships. If you need labels to feel validated, you're doing it wrong.
ChicG33k @chicgeek
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Why are bisexuals not taken seriously?
ChicG33k @chicgeek
Aren't you just validating your label by saying you are straight? Only difference is that your not having to prove that you are heterosexual all the time, when the rest of us get questioned about it constantly, if you tell someone you are straight they accept it no questions asked, but if your bi then everyone has to sit there and analyze why you can be attracted to both at the same time. And all the other stereotypes that 'label' fit into.
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
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Why are bisexuals not taken seriously?
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
Personally I'm straight, and I just treat everyone the same. Now I might ask questions on what it's like, having dated both genders that is, since I'd be curious, But I wouldn't question your sexuality. It's just like anyone else's in the basics. Though not everyone thinks like that, they see it as different and don't understand it, and in turn, don't want to understand and see it as something unnatural, and in turn question it. It's stupid, but many things in life are. It's how life works, the few will be discriminated by the many, it always happens, because it's human instinct. It's stupid but it's sadly going to be here for a long time if not forever. The only thing you can do is try to not go along with it.
Teslan @tthedragon
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Why are bisexuals not taken seriously?
Teslan @tthedragon
Sitting and analyzing why you can be attracted to both at the same time is interesting.
I find the psychology of homo, pan, and bisexuality interesting.
To answer your question, well, for me, I always find that if someone is bisexual, they prefer one gender more---usually their own---but there are some people who enjoy the variety of the genders equally. It's just not that common.
Teslan @tthedragon
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Why are bisexuals not taken seriously?
Teslan @tthedragon
So it's confusing for people who aren't.
lordragna37 @lordragna37
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Why are bisexuals not taken seriously?
lordragna37 @lordragna37
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