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Always being the single friend!

haha yeah they get in a relationship then i barely hear from them lol
exactly right! if my friends are dating someone they ignore everyone for them, and when their single all they do is complain about being single , and im just chillen eating ice cream like yea no go fuck yourself xD
lmao for me its like they disappear and when the relationship is over the come back like what did i miss...meanwhile im here like birthday party,visiting the amusement park, the zombie apocalypse yeah you missed all of that
ahhhah yes pretty much, oh well, its just a piss off like you could atleast make time for your friends ya know?
Mine leave me ignore me till there single and apolagise then do the same again and I tell me I've had enouhh
life problems, fuck it we will all just chill on this site together c:
http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m82b7yXh951r5jtugo1_500.gif hugs XD
omg I cant post gifs how do you do that !!
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