any life is strange fans here?

Tomu. @tomutomu
any life is strange fans here?
Tomu. @tomutomu
we all agree that we all ship chloe and max( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

n a e r i @naeri
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any life is strange fans here?
n a e r i @naeri
omg its so good. i actually ship max and her friend that ive forgotten the name of WHY it starts with a W im just generally bad at remembering names

Teslan @tthedragon
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any life is strange fans here?
Teslan @tthedragon

zealiustundra @zealiustundra
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any life is strange fans here?
zealiustundra @zealiustundra
I love life is strange. Max can be so adorable while being oblivious to things

Tomu. @tomutomu
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any life is strange fans here?
Tomu. @tomutomu
Then the cute nerd Warren comes in hahahaha so confused who to ship with now but im so excited for the dark room

whateverbubbles @totesadorbs
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any life is strange fans here?
whateverbubbles @totesadorbs
I can't ship MaxChloe ;u; Warren is too cute.
I'm trying to make the most logical choices so far, taking the pic of Kate & David, hiding the truth, etc. Hopefully it pays off in the end?
BUT i've been trying to piece together everyone's involvement with Rachel Amber...For certain, I want to say that these two people are key suspects. Mark Jefferson and Nathan Prescott. Sure, Mr.Jefferson is the teacher, he seems pretty chill but did anyone catch what he said in the very beginning of the game?
Something about, I could put anyone of you in a dark corner and take a picture and something about the height of innocence.
Rachel in the dark room is something Nathan scribbles over and over again. But i'll come back to Nathan.
Mr.J also seems to gravitate to the female students. Notice his body language? He's only facing female students during his lecture. He also seems to have red albums like at the end of the episodes. But then again I think other people have red albums too....
But anyways I'm not 100% sure it seems too obvious for the teacher we trust to be the villain. But I don't think Nathan is the villain either. He's a douche with controlling parents but I can't place blame on him. He may have tried to help Kate OR brought her to Mr.Jefferson to take a picture. The room was white and bright to her but that might have been from the flashes of a camera. Jefferson's pictures around campus are mostly of young girls in dark settings. None of them smiling. One of them even looks a little like Kate and has bunny in it similar to her pet rabbit.
Nathan could be forced to keep Rachel's whereabouts a secret. People write their feelings out to keep their sanity sometimes. He might have also been in love with Rachel like a lot of the character's seem to have been. Victoria rips down her missing person photos in jealousy. Or so I think.
But this is just a theory, but it's got proof to back it up. I've got lot's of assumptions to this game, I love talking about it. I used to think that Max and Rachel were the same person but there's a lot suggesting otherwise but some stuff suggesting that it could be true.

Red Masque @masque_of_red
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any life is strange fans here?
Red Masque @masque_of_red
Max x Chloe Forever
Can't wait for episode 4

Tomu. @tomutomu
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any life is strange fans here?
Tomu. @tomutomu
Well we all should wait for episode 4 ;_; i am now really curious for Rachels's dissapearance
I have theory that Rachel could be a time controlling girl justlike Max 0.0 but maybe there was this time she got stuck in time
Just like Max said " i dont wanna be stuck in time"
Idk but thats mah theory c:

whateverbubbles @totesadorbs
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any life is strange fans here?
whateverbubbles @totesadorbs
It comes out in August right? >.< wanna play now
I thought about the stuck in time thing too. Even more so when the song that plays on the CD Chloe had in her box w/Rachel's picture says "I'm somewhere. I'm nowhere."

mrzsfo415 @mrzsfo415
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any life is strange fans here?
mrzsfo415 @mrzsfo415
I've played the Demo on my PS4, while it was not an instant buy for me ...
If I ever see this whole game go on sale on PSN I'll pick the whole thing up...
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