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Who touched my fried chicken?

Well then. Seems we've got a stand off here. You guys wonder why I'm upset? Yes this is the internet, trust me I get it. But this isn't the first thread I've seen where it started as something else then comepletly turned sexual. I don't care who either of you decided to sleep with or how you view yourselves. All I'm saying is have a little decency. Is that too much to ask?!
My opinion means nothing. I'm just tired of seeing good threads turned into this.
... neither of us have actually posted any Boobs or butt on this thread tho...? Also I'm glad you don't want to know because that's too personal. This thread got sexual wayyy before we got here xD I hardly think calling me and pree a couple and/or homosexuals as some sort of insult shows decency in any way :O
@Pree and Lovely, did you say anything to Bryce? Anything to make him mad? I'll have to have a chat with him
Omfg all of this over some chicken http://louisvilleky.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Screen-Shot-2015-05-19-at-11.23.49-AM.png There enough for everyone
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