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When they don't text

Jun 16, 15 at 2:27am
my cellphone plan kinda sucks, it actually bothers me more when people text.
@Neet- I had any amazing rant and you respond with a cellphone response? However, I believe true comedians like myself suffer being ignored (depression pose then gets up happy) But I do not mind it when women do not reply to me!
Usually I'm talking to my girl all day, add in the most bro's I talk to daily, while all the things I do during them. You just lose track of time and can't talk to all the people you want to hahaha. Personally I always get a message back, if not a bit late, Unless we already finished our conversation. When other's don't message me back? I usually can tell when someone doesn't like me, So They are probably just busy. So I just talk to other people or do something else hahaha. No harm, no foul.
There are a few reasons why you stop texting people, mainly girls from my experiences. A) They aren't engaging in conversation. B) Too short meaning no effort in talking. I hate girls who don't talk much. C) You're talking to other people that are more interesting and you "forget" about everything else. D) People tell me I play a "game" that I won't text someone unless they text me first. I usually always text first so I like to see if the girl will ever text me first. if a girl is short with conversation, I lose interest almost immediately and never text back. Just being honest.
Jun 16, 15 at 4:36pm
Yep true. I end up de-friending people base on that. Why should we be friends if we have not say a word for more then a month. After a hi or how are you was sent. Some times you got to be the one to try and find out what is going on and if it real is nothing or there being one worded. Then they really don't care. I try to say bye as my last word. To people like that. Well I'm going off people I meet on MO.
Yeah :( but we were good friends sigh this sucks
@beats - Is he still alive? If so you should have asked him why he flaked. Shit happens sometimes but if they have not contacted you in a week after missing a meetup something is not right. That's not being a good friend to you. Don't become a genie who only engages people when summoned. Now girls who give me their number and say text me I do text first, when I want to ask them out for some fun. It is nice to get asked out but you have better odds in Vegas sometimes. Listen to Captain Picard: http://biblioease.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Engage-Luc-Picard-1024x682.gif.jpg
I'm in la currently any tips or help ;)
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