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If you even think of posting something like this again. Just remember I'm watching. (RM) (HAVE SO.E SELF RESPECT) This is a site for otakus. Not sex addicts.
Uh. I don't think this thread has anything to do with a lack of self-respect. It's all just fun lol. As far as I know, none of us are sex addicts either (can't speak for everyone lol) :P You need to chill. ;)
Wait why are we being reported now? Bruh ever heard of freedom of speech? We arent bothering anyone here we are just having fun...if it bothers you why even come in this thread obviously you were curious and its not our fault you didn't like what you saw
Also @masque i love how your quick to call us sex addict when you didnt even know i practice abstinence...next time before you jump to conclusions know your facts
Well I didn't see nothing wrong with it? I didn't see any dicks or any naked people in it (except for the jungle boy hehe) other wise nothing is wrong no intercourse no nothing consider this as a "virgin clean thread"
Exactly thats what im saying...what did he expect? He clicked on the same thread saying we are sex addicts the title says if your horny...yet you click on it right?
wao is it hot in here? or is it just you, goat-loving Scotsman? ;) jk jk xD if this thread gets any dirtier, we'll need to bring the oxyclean.
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