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Think with your heart! Not your *****

This is for both men and women. I see alot of people comment on relationship advice and asking for some.. I got some key tips here.. 1. Know who your talking to! - I am brutually honest. Everyone knows on a scale of 1-10 where they rank in sexual attraction. If your between the ages of 13-35 sexual attractions is everything, and usually the biggest first impression. Know where you stand. 2. Speak Up! - A lot of people are scared to shoot because of the fear of missing.. You miss every shot you dont take. Ive heard hundreds of No's.. but I know atleast 1 out of every 10 I talk to will give me some type of play 3. Know what you want in a relationship!! - A lot of the hot girls have horrible personalities and would make unfit mothers. I have a ton of females on instagram that I would love to bang, but would I make them my wife or gf? No. They are shallow and superficial. Being hot on instagram is like a full time job for some of these girls.. So if you know your looking for a meaniful relationship.. Use conversation to gain interest.. Not your ***** 4. Like people who like you! - This is probably the most valuable lesson I learned. At the end of the day no one is going to love or treat you better than the ones who stick their neck out for your attention. This person may fail the eye test, but do some diligient digging before writing them off.. Think about it, how many extremely hot married men and women do you know? Usually they are in and out relationships because of personality flaw. 5. Be Yourself - At the end of the day.. you are who you are.. Let that shine through and let whatever comes your way.. come your way Now I know this may sound 100% shallow and wrong but I'm giving you the mind frame of a typical young adult.. I think us Otakus think a little different ^_^
it doesn't sound shallow, it sounds self-righteous tbh
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My advice is simple here, I understand where your coming from in this thread, but lets not get carried away in broad associations with what kind of girl does this or guy does this. Just because somebody may or may not be sexually attractive on a personal basis does not have a guaranteed influence on who that person will be, Not all hot girls are superficial or hot guys for that matter to put it simply, far too many individual variables to say that.
True but a lot of people conform to society standards.. so your more than likely to run into someone that I described than someone who is different.. basically an anolomy
king - It gets easier with age. Around mid 30s the lizard part of the brain loses dominance to the rational centers as we mature typically. From puberty to late 20s if I saw a hot girl I had instantly and subconsciously calculated every naughty thing I would do if I was with her, sure. As I matured I started to instead come up with reasons why I should stay away from some. For men this is hardwired by nature and is unhealthy to neglect to some extent. Men used to die young so they had to reproduce ASAP as much as possible. In nature women are the gatekeepers to make sure only the best males reproduced. Society has changed the human life scenario and we live longer but nature takes a little while to catch up. I am generalizing to the aggregate stats. Men at puberty are quickly driven to their max testosterone and sex drive levels and it decays with some bumps back up here and there as they age. Women at puberty do not get a very large initial bump in sex drive but inversely to men climbs until it peaks in their mid 30s before the bakery closes. Afterwards it quickly drops with a few little bumps in mid and late life. This often causes frustrating conflicts of timing it seems.
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