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My dream girl don't exist.. any help?

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Yea at least she let u b
I don't believe in soulmates. There are thousands of people compatible enough to create a life together with, it's just that 1) sometimes people are too immature at the time to get along and 3) if you found someone you enjoy then why go out looking for someone else?
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^ 2nd point. bowser steals yo girl
Dream-X is just that, a dream no matter gender/orientation. You will meet many people who will capture your heart in varying degrees, not all of them are meant for you as a partner. Partners compliment and often somewhat mirror each other which can allow them to live in balance and will prosper by doing so. You do not want a partner that is exactly like you then you are not partners but twins constantly fighting for dominance. Look for the core vales and attributes that compliment yours. Part of bonding with your partner is learning things from each other. If you have nothing new to share with each other it gets boring fast as part of the fun in dating is showing them something you love that is a new experience for them, the inverse is also true. You may learn enough of one another over time and realize they may be your dream-X. If you can live together for a while without killing that feeling, marry them if you both desire it. @alchemy91 - Do not let the projection of your idealized partner block you from exploring relationships that will help you grow and learn what you truly desire as it is not always exactly what you think. If you are creative in writing and music then get involved in the local scene and events. Develop your talents and you will gain strength and confidence through them. You will catch someones eye as they yours when you least expect it. You have to put yourself out there and risk pain to discover it. Be certain in your desires as Buddhist's say: Desire is a path of pain.
I've always found that fantasy never seems to live up to reality. I'm sure everyone has a dream girl/guy that they reckon would be perfect for them but chances are they may not even exist or (as in my case, every single time) they're already taken or they just don't like you in that way. That's one of the reasons why my expectations are much lower than most guys', if my dream girl doesn't exist then I'll go for a cute girl that would exist. As long as the personality is great and they're decently pretty (Not too important but I would prefer it) then I think my standards are reasonable and realistic! It's just about meeting someone who you think is right for you and then just hope to whatever deity you worship that they'll accept you.
Jun 13, 15 at 1:16am
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