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Hey, hey people!

I'm Jacob, 18 from Arizona. I'm open to most types of anime and music. I like to play games on Steam, especially ones I hate, like Dota 2. I do little awful photo edits sometimes but not recently, and I am just happy to be here!
http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/387/259/32d.jpg lol welcome to MO hope you enjoy your stay and have fun here :)
Jun 02, 15 at 6:25pm
Good, just beware the Panda. His idea of Christmas caroling is singing rap songs to the elderly
Lol tbh for some reason elderly people like perverted islander songs lmao (volunteered at a retirement home and thats the music they used to play there)
Jun 02, 15 at 6:29pm
Old people are always horny. They have orgies in senior centers
Well there was this one lady there who tried to pick up every person who came her way by whistling and using pick up lines
Jun 02, 15 at 6:34pm
Old people love to work sex hotlines. Because when you're old, you need the dick just as much as young bloods
Idk about all of that lol
Jun 02, 15 at 6:40pm
I have done the research panda. I know about the sex and pornography industry. How do you think I made so much money? When the market is in trouble, you invest in two things- precious metals and porn.
Thank you for this... warm welcome? The elderly have all that time yo, gotta fill it somehow.
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