My first boyfriend.

Tori @toya
My first boyfriend.
Tori @toya
So umm I decided to go out with my best friend since my childhood years.. It just feels a little odd dating a guy. But he totally gets me.. Can anyone here give me good advice on dating a man?

Uninterested. @coffeelink
commented on
My first boyfriend.
Uninterested. @coffeelink
Relax and be faith-full also optimistic, but don't be afraid to speak your if you come across and troubles; Other than that- That's for you to find out ^.^

Nakama @jacob1
commented on
My first boyfriend.
Nakama @jacob1
Be your self and have fun.

Alpaca ♡ @alpaca
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My first boyfriend.
Alpaca ♡ @alpaca
It's amazing that your boyfriend and best friend are the same person.
You can tell each other everything and he already knows all your habits/likes/dislikes etc :)

Mr.Red @mrred
commented on
My first boyfriend.
Mr.Red @mrred
Tickle his todger.

Voli @voli
commented on
My first boyfriend.
Voli @voli
ignore what red said.. go with the flow ... if he doesnt leads you.. like on a date or dinner.. you lead him ^^ guys adore that as well.. it should go pretty well since hes your childhood friend... treasure it

Tori @toya
commented on
My first boyfriend.
Tori @toya
Thank you guys very much!!

Auroral Kilometric Radiati @akr
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My first boyfriend.
Auroral Kilometric Radiati @akr
I think if dating a guy is a first for you, your best friend may be the best option. Relationships built on instant satisfaction are like Giant stars. They are quite volatile and exciting, but don't last long. If you have a great foundation with your bf/bff and then you will have more fuel to keep the relationship going! Also remember that he like you as you were before you started going out so just keep being that person, but also let the natural ebb and flows of change occur. Don't change into what you think he wants and don't deny yourself growth! Best of Luck!!!
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