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hi ///w///

Jet @jetzain commented on hi ///w///
May 24, 15 at 5:44pm
Jet @jetzain commented on hi ///w///
May 24, 15 at 5:46pm
it didnt work I try @Laughman https://www.google.com.mx/search?q=evil+laugh+anime&biw=1010&bih=479&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=oVRiVeWtL4isyASW94OgBQ&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#imgrc=dM_-OGhReeeaQM%253A%3BeviJTqKOgGfQXM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fmedia2.giphy.com%252Fmedia%252F87f27TUxOTt3a%252F200_s.gif%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fpixshark.com%252Fevil-laugh-anime-gif.htm%3B356%3B200
Jet @jetzain commented on hi ///w///
May 24, 15 at 5:52pm
Jet @jetzain commented on hi ///w///
May 24, 15 at 5:53pm
it work finally, Welcome @imagoat
May 24, 15 at 6:30pm
I may or may not be a living hentai :3 It's as my grandmother always said; "I can't wait to molest each and everyone of you"
Jet @jetzain commented on hi ///w///
May 24, 15 at 6:38pm
Its ok @darkhorse I guess thats your way to express love for people
May 24, 15 at 6:41pm
O.O *slowly walks out of thread*
May 24, 15 at 6:55pm
My way of expressing my love for people is dragging them to a church so they can be purified of their many sins. Everyone knows otakus have sins, from fapping to porn (yaoi, yuri, and hentai), deadly cosplay battles, watching Neon Genesis Evangelion, groping unsuspecting con goers, raping hatsuni miku cosplayers, and flashing yourself at cons. I love you all, and that's why I don't want any of you to burn in hell. Except Panda! For unexplained reasons, he's going to hell. I'll tell you why- he never invites me to his birthday parties!
May 24, 15 at 7:20pm
Lmao its not even the birthday party XD its cause of my name i gotta make sure he stays looking fabulous lol jk jk im a Christian and saying i would go to hell insults me greatly
May 24, 15 at 7:29pm
Oh, come on Panda-boy, learn to laugh at yourself. I do it all the time with, Don't be so serious. I know you ain't going to hell. Now Jinsei is going there lol
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