Why do people hate gays?
Veru @verucassault
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Why do people hate gays?
Veru @verucassault
Lol spaghetti
gurlgod @gurlgod
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Why do people hate gays?
gurlgod @gurlgod
do u ever just peruse a garbage site for garbage and then find the mother load and think, damn heteros on some next level ignorance.
dom_kun @dom_kun
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Why do people hate gays?
dom_kun @dom_kun
@risen ur spewing garbage stop that
madara0727 @madara0727
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Why do people hate gays?
madara0727 @madara0727
I don't man people are ignorant, fun fact during my freshman year in college my roomate was gay. I told people about it and some people thought i was homophobic, 2 months after freshman year ended he declared to be gay in Facebook. BAAM i freaking knew it,lol
novadova @novadova
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Why do people hate gays?
novadova @novadova
I FUCKING LOVE GAY PEOPLE MAN! Seriously I dont understand why people stare at in disgust and hate. Gays want to be happy too and love who they want to love. I support them and their happiness. I am a christian and what bugs me is that other christians (not all of them) have the nerves to say the most nastiest things to gay people. How rude and disgusting! Straight, guys, trans, WHOEVER we are not perfect people. We are humans we are meant to make mistakes and sin and yet learn from them. It's not right for Christians to look down on others and judge people mistakes and how they sins. Christian people sins too and make mistakes. Yes I remember somewhere in the bible that gays is wrong but it did not say to throw stones at them and say nasty things to them. NO Jesus said to love thy neighbor which means to accept and love each other as friends and family.
So christians out their that is saying nasty things to gays need to look at themselves because they are not doing what they suppose to do. Love and accept. Btw sorry if some of you don't want to read my religion rants...I was putting my thoughts out. But I do love gays and accept them for who they are because they are humans like me. Everyone deserves to love and to be loved.
paatback @paatback
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Why do people hate gays?
paatback @paatback
I hate certain gay people. Some of my friends are gay, but one of them stopped talking to me, he really liked me, but I didn't see him that way.
Xasoraen (kacey) @sailehallow
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Why do people hate gays?
Xasoraen (kacey) @sailehallow
Most of the time it's from fear and ignorance. Everyone thinks their way is the right way to live. Especially when it comes to religion. I'm Christian but I'm more open minded. I grew up with a gay aunt, a gay great aunt and 2 gay landlords. And bisexual and gay friends all around. Even went bi myself for a while and found out I prefer men. So I'm straight. But if your gay your not harming me. If you hit on me I'm flattered but I will turn you down. We are all human and if most people that preach Jesus hates gays would wake the fuck up. They would realize God made everyone equal and loves everyone. Them saying he hates you or what you are doing is an abomination is far from being Christian at all. More like they are just being assholes hiding behind a religion that they are trying to preach. So I preach love equality for all. Straight, gay, bi, trams, curved idgaf.
But that's just my opinion.
lytraxyx @lytraxyx
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Why do people hate gays?
lytraxyx @lytraxyx
A few of my friends are gay. And they're just awesome friends, so i could care less what my friends are in to.
Next to this.. guys chasing after other guys means more women are available, so why would any guy HATE gays?
darkhorse @darkhorse
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Why do people hate gays?
darkhorse @darkhorse
I don't care what's right or wrong, only what is funny. And gay people are funny. The whole act of wanting to have sex without reproduction is HILARIOUS. Especially up the butt. So yeah, being gay is funny so I support it.
mrzsfo415 @mrzsfo415
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Why do people hate gays?
mrzsfo415 @mrzsfo415
I personally don't see gay folks as any different...
maybe its because I live in such a diverse area as the San Francisco Bay Area...
or maybe cuz I have hundreds of Co-workers whom some are Gay... but no one really cares
cuz its not like its TOPIC of the day ... but as natural as getting coffee in the morning before work
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