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Klingy vs Independent?

What is the right balance here? I've always had trouble deciding which is better; it's one of the reasons I prefer to stay away from dating, as usually, from experience, people lean towards one extreme or the other; and I don't know if I could handle anyone that's not smack in the middle of those two. So, is having a "clingy" partner preferable to someone who is basically fine with or without you? What do you think of these kinds of people? Which category best suits you, if at all? I tend to associate clingyness with insecurity and apprehension, but it may just as well be that he/she is simply amiable. On the other hand, I think independence, in that sense, is attractive and dignified, but I've seen it over and over again where the person becomes an airhead. -_- Anyway, I just will not settle for anything that's not the medium, Opinions?
May 19, 15 at 1:45pm
Mm that's really a hard one I prefer someone who needs me to be there, but I want her to be able to take decisions but herself what about if I die I am the same way I like someone who is independent but who knows when it is right to not be For example if I marriage a girl I want to help her to accomplish her dreams and at the same time she does the same with me but when we get kids I want someone from both of us to raise them So I want my future wife to raise them with our believes and the way we want the. To grow up and be in the future and step of being by themselves like it happen to me and figure out things because we need the money to survive when I was a kid I have that was some answer you were looking for @crimson..
Yeah, that was an excellent answer, Jetz *thumbsup* I'm the same way; it just sucks because it seems like people land at either one or the other; I've literally never met a woman that wasn't either extremly clingy or extremely aloof to her own devices. For me, I need her to have both characteristics; I want to travel a lot, so I want my ideal partner to be into languages, but I know it's hard to have an interest for the sake of someone else. Though, I feel like that's what love is all about; trusting and learning.. idk I'm not settling though xD
65% clingy 35% independent (I guess?)
60% Indy / 40% clingy When it is time to be close be real close but there must be time for us to do our own things that we are passionate about to stay vibrant, healthy, and interesting.
May 30, 15 at 10:36pm
i prefer around 50/50. as a creative introvert i really need time to do things on my own, but i also enjoy emotional support when i need it. so i guess an independent man who's willing to give support would be my cup of tea.
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