Being the Third Wheel
anon @otakujt
Being the Third Wheel
anon @otakujt
Have you ever been the third wheel? If so, how was it for you?
I was unfortunately a third wheel a few times before.
The most recent was at a roller skating place. One of my friends asked me to go there with her to hang out and see each other again (it has been a long time). This seemed like a good idea at first, but when I got there, she had her boyfriend with her. He was pretty cool of a guy other than the fact that he was occasionally really childish.
So a little while in, we decided to get drinks (there was a snack bar there), sit, and talked for a while about how we were since we last talked irl. We talked a little bit, key words here are a little, I was just some background character to them. I attempted to talk a few times, but often got interrupted or ignored. They contantly made out and kept being all romantic and whatever, which that alone kept pissing me off more than being interrupted. So since they didn't stop, I pretty much left without saying goodbye since I was pretty sure they didn't care either way.
BasedSempai @basedsempai
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Being the Third Wheel
BasedSempai @basedsempai
I actually enjoy being the 3rd wheel sometimes. I try to entertain myself with the situation and you can't dwell on it. If they were ever making out, I would annoy them and say "Hey can you turn your head a little this way" or "Can you guys slow it down for me" like I was directing some pornographic film. My friends would do it to me and my girlfriend at the time so we would all just annoy each other with it and it was really fun. I remember sitting in the back of the car at a stoplight and my 2 friends were making out so I took off my shirt and asked if I could join.
Obviously it can't all be fun and games but you as a person should also recognize the situation and if it calls for you leaving and letting 2 people get a little close together, be a bro and leave. Obviously it sucks if you can't leave and I don't know exactly what that is like but don't let it bother you and try to have fun with it.
darkhorse @darkhorse
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Being the Third Wheel
darkhorse @darkhorse
I don't have that problem cause I get bitches lol
LaughingBATMAN_dD @laughingman_dd
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Being the Third Wheel
LaughingBATMAN_dD @laughingman_dd
This account has been suspended.
crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
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Being the Third Wheel
crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
I don't think so, probably once or twice, but they would've been good friends and more considerate than to just leave someone out of the party like that; I used to make people third-wheel, now that I think about it; but, again, we were always ALL friends and more considerate than that.
I know whwat it feels like, I just can't recall .
You did good walking out though. I'd be in the arcade personally but after that would've done the same if nothing was going on for me.
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