Come along and take my hand, let's all go to black guy land!
Now, I am not a black person. But I enjoy hearing stories from first person accounts of being black. It could involve sexuality, race issues, religion, etc. So I ask all you young bloods out there to tell the funniest (but truest) black guy stories.
One lol did you make a ghetto version of the dragon tales song? And two what do you mean about black people stories? We're all just regular people dude our stories are no different from yours XD
watch the Black Hokage on youtube.I based this thread on here. And yes, black people are people. But they have unique stories and a unique perspective. I mean, if this wasn't true, why would we have African American literature?
what about if we have a Mexican tales version that might be interesting here in Guadalajara things get crazy once in a while like Narco bloqueos which one friday just like a nomal day I was taking a bus to get to this place and cartel people took people down and begun to burn public buses or random cars no civil people got hurt for what I know but I got to see a lot of mo pretty cool blocking streets by the way I live in texas but thats something that happens in my vacations
Now, I am not a black person. But I enjoy hearing stories from first person accounts of being black. It could involve sexuality, race issues, religion, etc. So I ask all you young bloods out there to tell the funniest (but truest) black guy stories.
So tell me a story from your life Panda-Kun!
by the way I live in texas but thats something that happens in my vacations