How much detailed infomacion put in work?

heko @heko
How much detailed infomacion put in work?
heko @heko
How to know much detailed infomacion put in work(detailed year's,name and similiar info) if it's are part of true history,but later it be wraited abount current time?

crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
commented on
How much detailed infomacion put in work?
crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
I think I understand what you're asking here. You mean in writing a book or story that references the past for a short time? If that is what you mean, it's a matter of preference. I think you should only put in the amount you feel necessary to keep it relevant with the current time later. Personally, I would make it as accurate as possible. You would need to do some thorough research if you wanted it that way.
It's preference and depends on your gut feeling, really.

heko @heko
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How much detailed infomacion put in work?
heko @heko
yes. I do research, but want change it and put something that not exist for example : difirent ruler,difirent balles,and so on.but leave the majority of historical fact.
And make fiction

crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
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How much detailed infomacion put in work?
crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
I see. Yeah, well, again, it's a matter of preference. Depends how much of Real history you want to incorporate. Do you have something specific already thought out, are you working on something, or is this just a general question?

heko @heko
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How much detailed infomacion put in work?
heko @heko
Whant left abount 50% or more,so new colecting data(info).Ya have something specific thought ,but if i whant use it need much more data abount Real history so on dis moment olnly working colecting it

heko @heko
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How much detailed infomacion put in work?
heko @heko
but more i colect info ,more think is beter to concentrate on one ruler and put small part of true history ,to build dat story who will be base of me main story

xueli @xueli
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How much detailed infomacion put in work?
xueli @xueli
I think that writers are not history teachers. I don't mind historical fiction writers to take artistic/poetic licenses with the research provided that they don't use it as an excuse for lazy research. As long as the work as a solid basis in the time period, I'm willing to look past a lot of things. All provided that the story is good of course XD

crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
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How much detailed infomacion put in work?
crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
^ This could also be the way for you Heko.
I have a bias (should've mentioned that) because I love history, and historical fiction, and I like them to be accurate to a decent extent. Since it seems like you're concentrated on certain historical figures to branch off, you should use them, like you said, for the base. Like Xueli said, you can take artistic/poetic license to suit your needs accordingly. Above all know who you want your audience to be.

Jinsei @jinsei
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How much detailed infomacion put in work?
Jinsei @jinsei
That's the second biggest factor there: audience.
Some don't care if you play fast and loose with history. Others prefer facts be as accurate as possible. The first biggest factor is the writer. What do you like? If you like history that much you're naturally going to be more accurate than artistic.
I'm sci-fi and I tend to write more sci than fi. Some people prefer to have unicorns shitting antimatter. They might not be into my writing but people who prefer hard science fiction would like it better. In your writing go with what feels best to you. The crowd that likes your style will gravitate towards it and never mind those who don't.

heko @heko
commented on
How much detailed infomacion put in work?
heko @heko
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