should i get a Nintendo 3DS...? :D

L33K @l33k
should i get a Nintendo 3DS...? :D
L33K @l33k
what d u think... japan is awesome... n.n

okayshay @okayshay
commented on
should i get a Nintendo 3DS...? :D
okayshay @okayshay
3DS's are pretty cool. So far, I've only played a little bit of Star Fox on a friend's. Personally, I would wait for them to come out with the next 3DS (because you know they're probably going to update it soon). I would also wait until the 3DS acquires more games for its console, and why you wait for more games the price will eventually go down. So it's basically a win-win situation.

Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
commented on
should i get a Nintendo 3DS...? :D
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
get it !
and dont worry about updates and limited library, the 3DS has more megaman/rockman titles available than any other system, and they arent gonna make a new one for several years anyway. ^^
but in all seriousness, yes wait until the 3D gimmick falls in price.

L33K @l33k
commented on
should i get a Nintendo 3DS...? :D
L33K @l33k
I mean jus for this game... :3

baka @baka
commented on
should i get a Nintendo 3DS...? :D
baka @baka
I think a DS with the older Love Plus is cheaper, but the 3DS can also running it and of course the new one. It looks better. A console for only one game... why not? And maybe one day there is a sequel for the 3DS.

piercedrocker @piercedrocker
commented on
should i get a Nintendo 3DS...? :D
piercedrocker @piercedrocker
dont bother i had one its not that good the effects youll keep off cus it hurts your eyes and dusnt look good might as well get the xl or lite

dokidoki @dokidoki
commented on
should i get a Nintendo 3DS...? :D
dokidoki @dokidoki
getting any console or handheld just for one game is always a stupid thing to do, especially if they are region locked

Eevee @eevee
commented on
should i get a Nintendo 3DS...? :D
Eevee @eevee
I have dsi and dslite,I was tempted to get the 3DS Only for pokemon rumble 2,but decide not to since,I hear it gets you dizzy when you play to much ,but I know you can take the 3D off...but personally I dont like stuff in 3D

Bisho no Teresa @faintsmile1992
commented on
should i get a Nintendo 3DS...? :D
Bisho no Teresa @faintsmile1992
I hear horror stories about the 3D, I only like Japanese games so Id have to import a console and I think the d-pads in the wrong place as well.

Nayru @nayru
commented on
should i get a Nintendo 3DS...? :D
Nayru @nayru
I have a 3DS and really like it :) Plus you can disable the 3D any moment if you get tired of it. I like stuff in 3D though. I've been playing the Legend of Zelda and Dead or Alive Dimensions so far.
It depends on how much you are willing to spend, but if you can, why not? That game looks nice.
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