Favorite MO Person
darkhorse @darkhorse
Favorite MO Person
darkhorse @darkhorse
It could be someone you're dating, interesting in, or just really good friends with!
My favorite person (and she knows this) is sam_140. She's a great friend, and puts up with my nonsense. Sam, you're my favorite person on the site.
Rin @miarin
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Favorite MO Person
Rin @miarin
Manga_bird she always welcomes the new people and seems like a very caring person. ^^
Sunbae @alanzd
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Favorite MO Person
Sunbae @alanzd
Sailorvenus2013 @sailorvenus2013
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Favorite MO Person
Sailorvenus2013 @sailorvenus2013
tsunpaper! he is an awesome big brother to me AND he is Samurai Abstinence Patrol for NSP
kaneki_ken @kaneki_ken
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Favorite MO Person
kaneki_ken @kaneki_ken
Devil_gene just because he is always posting the gifs and its quite a good thing to laugh at now and then
Jinsei @jinsei
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Favorite MO Person
Jinsei @jinsei
mariahaise! Level-headed and analytical.
Also props to Sunbae-kun for bein' a big time PIMP!
darkhorse @darkhorse
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Favorite MO Person
darkhorse @darkhorse
I have to agree, Maria is a baller.
mariahaise @mariahaise
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Favorite MO Person
mariahaise @mariahaise
Haha thanks you guys are also nice talking to
manny_heart @manny_heart
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Favorite MO Person
manny_heart @manny_heart
Pshhh um duh chibipizza
chibipizza @chibipizza
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Favorite MO Person
chibipizza @chibipizza
manny_heart :3 lol
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