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Online Dating Advice

@nataratafata wat m8
May 07, 15 at 10:42pm
Online dating is a bar with less noise. It works for some people and not all.
May 07, 15 at 10:53pm
A lot of making a long distance relationship work really does depend on both you and the other person. Some people really need that physical connection more than others. It also depends on each individual situation. I've seen long distance relationships work like with my best friend and her husband. They were in a long distance relationship for 7 years with only Skype, phone calls, texts and ims before they ever saw each other irl. I've also seen it not work and end badly. But the key is communicate honestly and effectively. That's really a key in any relationship but doubly so in long distance ones.
@xueli Thanks for the advice and some information on the subject. Definitely communication is the key and it definitely depends on the people. Some people are very short and non descriptive and I guess expect to be asked questions and don't engage in it. Obviously other people are very talkative and engage in conversation and I feel those types have a better shot in the whole online dating/long distance relationship thing. Again, I appreciate your feedback
Personally, doesn't really make a difference to me. It's the same thing as dating in person (essentially.) I mean, if you are the kind of person that needs to be petted and whatnot, then I could see where it may be stressful. But, I mean, if you don't mind that part, then it's the same. Love is love no matter where it is; in France, Russia, etc. If you want to see that body language and there smile and all that jazz, Skype is probably a good idea... if you're old-fashioned and they're into that, maybe letters with the red-ribbon and that special perfume smell lmao :P In any case, I think if you can make it work long distance it's a good signal that you guys will do well in person.
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What a fuking cunt Tori, worst relationship advice ever.
Lol tori just wants to stop being a virgin i guess XD i dont mind online relationships as long as one day it stops being online and in real life
I like how she's so upfront about it lol
Being a wizard sounds awesome
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