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Am I Weird?

Jun 03, 15 at 8:43pm
When defining weird you have already set yourself up for a social issue, As mentioned weird is based on the person saying it. Subjective as much as it can be but often accepted in majorities as defined by the things that they dislike as a whole. As loli said though its all for social standing, and status/ Just don't be unique to be unique that's what matters. Be who you wish to be, yet accept positive constructive critique. A common occurrence I see when people feel they are different from the flock it becomes common to associate the mentality that I am fine as I am but also I don't need to change any even if its just a mutual positive change that does not effect the personality of the person. That's all I will offer for now.
Jun 08, 15 at 4:30pm
You cant define weird since everyone is different,what is weird for someone is normal for them so in my opinion everyone is normal in their own way
Jun 08, 15 at 4:39pm
Panda, Bro, Walk with me, I'd say you are about half as weird as me. So you're that type that people fear for their lives around, and others are surprised that you aren't in a straight jacket... Me I see you as entertaining hahahaha. Weird FTW!
Jun 08, 15 at 4:53pm
Haha is that a compliment or...? Hai hai i take all the weird XD tbh if i wasnt as weird as i am i would be really boring...well more than i usually am
Jun 08, 15 at 4:55pm
Pfft calling you boring is like saying I like to drink holy water. Though I'll admit, Being a complete weirdo is fun hahahahaha.
Jun 08, 15 at 4:59pm
Haha thanks man lol for real though you dint seem as weird to me i guess great minds think alike so i see you as normal
Jun 08, 15 at 5:02pm
Trust me, he's weird.~ hahaha
Jun 08, 15 at 5:07pm
Yeah she would know hahahaha. Yes they do, Great minds think alike, I didn't know there were two people here with a great mind, who's the other one bro? Oh pfft it's me, Nahh~~~~~~~~~~~.
Jun 08, 15 at 5:13pm
Lol i will trust leia XD she seems like she knows her stuff lmao @leo there is a reason why we are the official mascots for MO i mean its not a job that just anyone can do
Jun 08, 15 at 5:16pm
Hmmm Fair point~ hahaha. I thought it was because we were complete psychopaths that would do just about anything to get ourselves and them to laugh, But great minds, yeah~~, Let's go with that hahahahaha.
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