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It's a pleasure ;3

heya name's in the username cx pleasure to meet everyone here hope to meet some cool people ^^ Animenati confirmed.
Pass the Doritos and welcome to MO, enjoy your stay =D
May 03, 15 at 6:57pm
Welcome to MaiOtaku! And yes, the Animenati is everywhere. In your bento, pocky, manga, and anime. >:3 http://www.animemaru.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/loominarty.jpg
May 03, 15 at 8:44pm
Welcome to the site bro warning site may contain: crazy stalkers http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/9332283148309394110OYEMPqGb.gif obsessed Gamers http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140524010849/horadeaventura/es/images/f/f1/Tomoko.gif yaoi fangirls http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/30700000/SasoTobi-fangirl-2-sasotobi-tobisaso-30728362-389-266.gif and Crossplayers http://www.cosplaytrainwreck.com/images/pictures/367L.jpg enjoy your stay, lol http://media.tumblr.com/9004b8230f8942ebcf6d7ec98a88455a/tumblr_inline_mp6tf9lLXi1qz4rgp.gif Anyway, joking aside welcome to the site.
haha fun one boy
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