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The " Nice guy" and "Friendzone"

Damn just look at you giving out relationships advice after stealing your current gf
Friendzone..lol Like Sepiroth said.. Either your not cool enough, interesting enough, or good looking enough for her. Now TBH if your between the age of 16-35 its usually 80% Looks.. We live in a cold shallow world where looks and opinions dominate everything. I had a girl once tell me that she liked me, but her friends didnt think I was hot.. so now she isnt interested either. A lot women do base what they like on what other women like. A friend of mines has told me he got girls simply because other girls liked him.. When it comes to attracting women young you either gotta have great looks, or good status.. Women like shiny objects.. Make yourself shiny.. If your not the best looking guy in the room.. become the funniest.. or the coolest.. or the most interesting one.. Stand out.. or get left behind.. Cold I know. It sucks. After 35 is when your looks start to fade and now its about who will do right about you, and who you actually click with personality wise.. Which is why the divorce rate is rediculousy high
@kingjay78 where do you get these statistics on women? "Women like shiny objects" "when it comes to attracting women, young, you either gotta have great looks, or good status" I'm sorry but that's literally shallow and unhealthy and soooo not true.
I live my reality @Manny_Heart.. Im pretty sure that theres a ton of women not like that.. Im speaking mainstream.. Ive talked to a lot of different personalities.. Just speaking on what ive witness and heard. Its shallow and its unhealthy.. I agree but to me its reality.
Well I can't argue on that, it is your reality and perspective.
Though it Is rather rude.
Sorry not tryna be rude.. just honest.. I think being honest is the best way to communicate in certain situations.. this was one of them to me
Most young gals do like money and shiny things and will give that out for good looks
No point in arguing opinions guys.
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